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small thing cause I'm still working on the requests and I'm a piece of dick
fluff ??¿
warnings: GAY

"No, listen," Tyler practically slammed his body against Josh's, head hanging low. "You played so good tonight."

Josh chuckled, hitting Tyler lightly on the head. "Stop it, man, you know you're-" he hiccuped, "you know you're better than me."

"Nah, man, you're fucking-fucking..." Tyler lazily raised his hand in the air. "Up here and I'm like...six feet below."

Laughing again, Josh finished the last of his 7th beer.

"Even when you're shitfaced drunk you're getting deep as hell." Mark commented, drinking only his 3rd beer.

Tyler looked up and giggled. "Don't I know it. Pass me my beer."

Mark sighed and inched it closer to him until it hit his open palm. Grasping it tightly, Tyler drank it like some life saving potion while still leaning on Josh.

"Oh!" Tyler suddenly cried, tearing the bottle from his lips. "You know what I know Josh can't beat me at?"

"Playing a show?" Josh snorted.

"No," Tyler squinted his eyes at him before resuming his wild thought. "Kissing. My exes allllllll said I was the bomb at kissing."

"Okay now that's probably true." said Josh with a wave of his hands.

Mark decided not to interrupt from now on. He could see the road it was heading down, and wanted to see if they really went down it.

"Aw come on man!" Tyler practically whined. "You're so agreeable. Argue with me sometime."

"How?" Josh shrugged. He let out another small burp.

"I don't know, a kissing contest? To decide who's better?" Tyler threw his arms up in the air, then they landed back on the bar table with a clink of the glasses.

"Well...who's gonna be the..." Josh couldn't think of the word.

"The judge?" Tyler offered. When Josh nodded with a squinty grin, he cried, "That's one of our songs man!"

"Anyway," Josh leaned back in the booth. "Who's it gonna be?"

They both looked at Mark, who stopped drinking halfway and shook his head no at them.

Josh and Tyler both clicked their tongues in disappointment. Rolling his eyes, Tyler also leaned back in the booth.

Okay, so maybe Mark could give them a little nudge in the direction.

"How about you're both the judge of it?" He suggested.

Josh and Tyler, out of the corners of their eyes and with raised eyebrows, made a face that showed they were considering it.

"Sounds fair enough." Tyler said, clearing his throat. He faced Josh, who in turn did the same.

"Okay, so," Josh cleared his throat as well, looking Tyler up and down. "Do we just...?"

"I would assume." Tyler slurred.

"Aw, fuck it."

Josh put his hands on the back of Tyler's neck and pulled him in, their lips sloppily coming together.

It was all teeth at first, and very....slippery....but they persevered and allowed it to get very slow and passionate.

They were drunk, so who cared? Plus, the kiss was nice, and....


Tyler was leaning more into Josh's body, falling on top of his horizontally as Josh's back hit the cushion below them.

Josh's hands traveled down to his hips, pushing up the bottom of his shirt and feeling his soft skin.

They kept making out, Mark laughing in the background.

"Fuck," Tyler whispered as he shook his head. It had definitely sobered him up. "This got out of hand."

Josh smiled and pecked his lips. "Whoops."

Sitting back up, Tyler burned red and fixed his hair. Josh had a proud smile on his face, reaching for his next beer.

Head down slightly, Tyler muttered, "Uh, Josh, h-he...won." 

Mark stopped recording on his phone and grinned. "I could tell." He remarked.

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