Chapter Two

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I stayed in bed all Sunday, sort of trying to, I don’t know; make my parents feel bad for grounding me. I think it may have worked because at dinner Mum was super-nice.

            But since I didn’t do anything on Sunday, on Monday Charity practically attacked me as soon as I got to school.

            “Ohmygod! Why didn’t you call?” She had been waiting by my locker and everything. Subtle.

            “I’m grounded. Doesn’t that include the phone?” So maybe I was making up excuses. Mum and Dad had never taken away the phone; I just wasn’t allowed to go out. But I hadn’t really felt like doing anything yesterday. Sue me!

            “Why are you grounded?” she demanded as I opened my locker.

            “Because I went out with Shaun and my parents didn’t know."

            “Huh? I thought you told them you were.”

            “I didn’t say who I was going with, though. And apparently since it was a guy they didn’t know it was reason for a freak-out.”

            “So you can’t go out again until next week?”

            “Who said we were going out again?” But even as I said that, I could feel the smile creeping onto my face.

            “I know you are,” she said as we started walking towards our first class. Science, sadly, so Shaun wouldn’t be there.


            “From the damn smile on your face! I’m so happy for you!”

            I grinned wider. “It’s like—like nothing could make me happier right now. Shaun McDonald!” I let out a little scream and we both giggled.

            “Somebody talking about me?” a voice said and we both jumped and turned around to see Shaun McDonald in all his glory.

            He had dirty blond hair was jelled up into spikes and his eyes were sapphire blue, like the sky on the best day of summer. I was pretty sure his skin was naturally tanned, but it was made darker from all the time he spent outside playing soccer. He was about the same height as all the other boys, a few centimetres taller than me. His teeth were straight and pearly white like a movie star. He just had that…charisma, I think the word is, that made everyone just stop and stare. Which was what I was doing right now.

            “Hey, Lacey,” he said, making my heart beat faster.


            Charity cleared her throat and Shaun’s eyes darted to her for a second. “Oh, hey, Charity.”

            She smiled. “Heya, Shaun. We’d love to stay and chat, but we really gotta get to class.” Her hand clamped down on my arm.

            “See you at lunch?” I called over my shoulder and I saw him nod and wave before I was jerked around the corner.

            “Did you see that?” Charity was absolutely gushing. “He didn’t even notice I was there! He is so in la-ove,” she sang out.

            “Charity,” I said as we walked through the door of out Science classroom.

            “Lacey,” she mocked my serious calm-down tone. “Eep! I am so jealous right now! Where can I buy a boyfriend?”

            “Well you’re not having Shaun,” I said wryly as I sat down in my desk.

            “So is it official-official? Like, he asked you to be his girlfriend?”

            “Well, we’re going on a second date…as soon as I’m ungrounded, I guess, and he sort’ve kissed me the other night.”

            “What?” She was so excited I was worried she was going to faint or something.

            “First, calm down. Second, he didn’t.”


            “I turned my head at the last moment. I saw my mum.”

            She let out a big huff. “Parents suck. So where did he get you?” And she perked right back up again. I grinned.

            “Here,” I said and pointed to the spot beside my ear. “And I wish I could say I will never wash that spot again, but I had a shower last night.”


HELLO. Has anyone seen UP? It's actually a really good movie. I've always put off watching it but it's good :)

Please vote/comment/fan.

Sorry I cut it off kind of weirdly...I suck at short chapters and I didn't want it to be a massive one so this is a filler.

So. I will upload the afternoon date when I either get a comment demanding that I do or...when ever I feel like it.

Oh! And watch the video on the side :) Even if you don't like All Time Low (you're crazy if you don't) it's a pretty awesome music video.



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