Chapter SIX

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I stared into the mirror and said aloud to myself, “You need a shower.”

            My reflection stared back at me and pulled a face, telling me that I couldn’t be bothered. I sighed and tugged at my fringe before turning back through the door and into my room and flopping down on my bed.

            I wanted to complain how unfair my grounding was but Mum had total right to. I had been over half an hour late and there was no way to get around it. I had never been so late before so it made sense that Mum was annoyed with me but that didn’t stop me from being in a crap mood. I had no phone, no Internet, no human contact for a whole week. Why was I grounded so often? Why did I have to have such a psycho mother? Grounded twice in one month? Why me?

            I wanted to text Shaun so badly; I was practically dying. How could Mum think to do this when my life was at such an important and wonderful place?

            The weekend dragged on slowly while I avoided having a shower and perfected my nails so they had pictures on each one.

            Finally it was Monday and I got to go to school and see my friends. As soon as I saw Shaun I wanted to run up to him and jump on him to give him a hug…but then decided maybe that would come off as a bit weird and just smiled at him instead. He came over and slung his arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek.

            “Hey, babe,” he said and I avoided cringing at the name. I hated it when guys called girls ‘babe’. “You got grounded again? I’m so sorry.”

            I shrugged under his heavy arm. “It’s okay. It wasn’t your fault.”

            He looked at me sheepishly. “I solemnly swear to never drink out of a punch bowl ever again,” he said and placed his fist over his heart. I giggled and suddenly me being grounded didn’t matter anymore.

The week spun past quickly and finally I was sat down at the table with Mum, who had my phone in hand.

            “I know I’ve grounded you a lot this past month,” she said, “but it’s for your own good. I don’t want you to get carried away with…things.”

            I mentally cringed. I hated having talks like this with my mum. She went all serious and weird.

            “You can have you’re phone back,” she said and I just about leapt as I reached to take it back. “But I’d like to meet this Shaun guy.”

            I froze for a millisecond before carrying on and sitting back in my chair, clutching my phone in my hand protectively. “You’ve already met him,” I said, trying to find a way out of it.

            “Properly. And with your father there.”

            Crap. What was with parents wanting to ruin their children’s lives? This was going to be so awkward—me, my mum, my dad and Shaun all in the same room. Not to even mention I had to ask Shaun about it… My parents were bad enough when my friends came over. Last time I had a guy over…I didn’t even remember it properly, I’d blocked the memory out of my brain.

            “Um, sure,” I squeaked and nodded.

            She looked at me dubiously. “You have to ask him to come over for next Friday, okay? I’ll know if you just make it up that he can’t come.”

            I didn’t see how she could do that but I nodded anyway.

            “Okay, you can go off and check all your messages now,” she said and waved her hand at me and I scrambled out of my chair and to my room.

            Five from Shaun, four in the weekend asking if I was grounded and one on Wednesday saying that he wished I had my phone back. Two from Charity asking about the party and then the other was laughing at me for getting grounded. There was one from a girl in my Maths class who I was kind of friends with asking about homework and then the last one on my phone was from some random number. What?

            I opened the text to read hey, lace, its nick. Nxt tym u get in a car with a drunk drivr, call me. What the hell?

            Im not that stupid. Howd u get my number? I texted back furiously.

            I chucked my phone down on my bed, not expecting him to text back soon. But as I walked through the door into my en suite bathroom, my ring tone started playing and I turned around to see my phone’s screen lit up with the ‘1 new message(s)’ sign. I went back to my bed and snatched in up to open the text.

            Secret :P

            Wtf? Whatever, it was probly shaun.

            Omgee! Howd u guess?


            I threw my phone back down on my bed in frustration and went back to the bathroom. I heard my phone go off but I ignored it and got into the shower instead.

            Later I checked my phone so see two texts from Nick. No need to overreact sweetie. And, Geez, sorry.

            Why did he call me sweetie? I sighed and talked myself out of replying him to ask him and instead texted Shaun.

            How did nick get my no.?

            A few minutes later and I got my reply. Dnt no. He steals ma fone al da tym.

            Great, I thought darkly but didn’t reply. 


Hi, I'm sorry I haven't updated like at all this year and this is really short. I haven't written much lately. Umm yeah nothing else to say, cOMMENT AND VOTE because no one ever does that so do that!

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