two:buckle up

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" Girl, did you hear about the new position at Harlem's Barbershop? I think I might go up there and show them my braiding skills. Remember when I used to do Row's before you cut it? "

I was just sitting in the living room,  talking on the phone with my friend Keisha, when Jacob came strolling through the front door.

I rolled my eyes irritably responding, " Keisha, I'll call you back later, okay? "

I studied Jacob as he took of his coat, putting it on the chair then trudging towards the stairs. 

" Okay Sienna, bye." You could hear the disappointment in her voice before she hung up. Ever since I had to pick up another job, and take care of Rowan, without very much help from Jacob, I hasn't had time to do very much.  I could tell she felt as though I was avoiding her some way, and it made me feel really bad. We used to be so close before Rowan was born.

" Hey baby, do we have any aspirin!?! " He yelled from upstairs.

I got up, ignoring his question, while walking towards Rowan's bedroom. I cracked the door open while peeking my head in to find him peacefully sleeping. It disappoints me that Jacob can't spent more time with his son. It seems like he's never here anymore ever since he got that promotion at work. The extra money really helps, but his son needs him in his life more. I don't wan't Rowan to turn out like those boys that grow up with no father. I promised myself that I would not make my child go through that.

Just the other day, he tried to show Jacob his picture that he made in class, and Jacob just pushed him off. He acts like just because he works, he can't spend some good quality time

I walked to the bedroom, leaning on the door frame while crossing my arms over my chest. He continued to swarm around the bedroom, not even noticing my presence. 

" Hmhm." I cleared my throat causing him to pull up and look up at me.

" Yes? "  He questioned, raising his eyebrows.

I walked over to the bed, getting out my phone back out. I went to my pictures, pulling up the latest picture of us together with Rowan, holding it up to Jacob replying,

" What is this? " 

His face scrunched up, " You, me, and Row.? " He dragged out his words, as if he responded wrong, I would flip out.

" Good, now what is this? " I held up a picture of me and him. at the park, then slid the screen to me and him at his first checkup, then me and him at his first day of  kindergarten.

" You and Rowan , nina, what are you getting at? " He said while he wiped his forehead, rolling his tired eyes.

" Jacob, your never here anymore. I know you've been very busy providing for us, and I appreciate that. But Jay, Row needs you, shit , I need you. Look, all I'm asking is if you could possibly spend more time with us. " I tilted my head with a slight attitude. He's really pushing my buttons tonight, acting like he don't know whats he's doing, steadily avoiding my questions.

" Bae, you know I try, I- "

" Well sometime trying isn't good enough. " I cut in

He sprung up, walking to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. 

I waited a few seconds, then I heard the shower cut on. I know he isn't trying to take a shower when I'm trying to talk to him. He always finds a way out of our conversations. Either it's just walking away, or showering, or going to the store, he thinks I forget these things but I don't.

I sped walked to the bathroom door, banging on it for him to come out.

" Jacob, open this door now!! " I yelled, instead of getting what I wanted, he simply started to sing!

" Jacob,  if you do not open this door now I will break it down!! " He knew I was being truthful, so he cut off the shower, and came out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

He pushed past me, going to the dresser and pulling out some underwear. 

" I wasn't done with you Jacob, you nee- " 

" I know, be here more often. "

" If you know, then why do I constantly have to keep reminding you, huh? " I spit back.

" I don't know. " 

" I'm sorry, what was that? " I questioned, I knew what he said I just wanted him to realize how much this was affecting us

" I said I don't know! " He shouted causing me to slightly jump. It took me a few seconds to regain my voice, then respond.

" Well, maybe, you should figure that out. " And with that I grabbed me coat and keys, heading towards Rowans bedroom door. Jacob shot up, following me questionably.

" What are you doing Sienna? " He worried behind me

I opened Rowan's room door, and walked over to his bed, brushing the curly hair off his face. 

" Mommy loves you, I'll be back, I promise. " I said while kissing his forehead

" Baby, can we talk. " He considered

" No, I wanted to talk so many times, but you just brushed me off. Now your gonna know how it feels. I'll be back. "

I opened the front door, and left behind Jacob, standing there for him to process that. I hope this teaches him a lesson, because if it doesn't, I don't know how I could cope with him not being here any longer.



 I'm so tired, but I refuse to go back this early. I've been gone for about two hours. I had to pull over in a empty gas station, and sleep in my car. Jacob called me about six times asking for me to come back. Of course I didn't respond. He needs to realize that his actions disturb his family too, not just him.

I started the car back up, and pulled off. I would turn on the radio, but that's too much noise right now. I just want some peace and quite for once. 

Living in the suburbs can have it's ups and downs.There's many of forested areas, so a lot of animals come and go in the house. I remember one time, a snake had gotten in the house, and Jacob at the store. So, I was in the kitchen, cooking dinner, when I felt something slither on my foot. I thought it was just one or Rowan's toys so I didn't pay it any mind, that is, until it started moving. For the rest of the day, I had Jacob carry me on his back where ever I went.

I chuckled to myself, to have my phone ring right after. I looked at the rode to see if anyone was there, then turned my head to the passenger seat, picking up my phone.  

After that, everything seemed to be going in slow motion. I had looked up over the dashboard, and saw a man in the middle of the road. Just before I hit him, I had got a good glimpse that was imprinted in my mind every time I closed my eyes.

His hair, was in little tight curls. His skin was a smooth, tan complexion. He was wearing what looked like a white robe, along with no shoes. When he whipped his head around to see my car, I could see his strong jawline, and plump lips. His eye's were, clear. Like they had never seen a day in his life. But  the color, the color was..indescribable.

I hoped out the car and ran over to him. 

Getting on my knees, I felt his pulse to discover that he was still breathing. Good. I got back up, and ran to my car, snatching up my phone calling 9-1-1.

"  Hello, this is 9-1-1, what is your emergency? "

"  Yes, I need an ambulance, I just hit a guy with my car. "

 [ Finally I updated. Lol, sorry for the wait. Hope you liked it. Keep up the comments, they really motivate me to keep going. Sorry for any mistakes.] 

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