three:nasty food, thirsty nurses

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Being in a waiting room for a person that you don't even know is probably the most nerve wrecking position I've ever been in. So many questions were running through my mind right now. Is he okay? What is his name? How did he get in the middle of the woods in the first place?

I had so many questions, but no answers...yet. I called Jacob when the ambulance came, so he should be here in a little. I hope he's doesn't bring up the argument,  because this is not the right time.

I turned my head to the entrance, eager for him to walk through the door and tell me this man is alright. 

"Mrs. Perez?" I heard my name being called by one of the doctors so I grabbed my purse off the chair, and walked toward him.

As soon as I reached him, I asked the question I've been craving the answer for, " Is he alright? "

He looked at my eager face exasperation, then pushed his glasses on on the arch of his nose replying,

" Yes," as soon as the words left his lips, I felt pressure being lifted off my shoulders, " but, he has major wounds around his neck , " he pulled back some paper on his clipboard and showed me the charts, pointing to the back of the head as I nodded in response, " and a few broken ribs. Luckily, your car didn't hit him that hard, or it possibly would have been fatal."

I swallowed hard, I cant believe that I hit a man with my car. I always seen the commercials on t.v and always thought to myself, " That will never be me."  But were am I, in a hospital that is caring for the guy that I ran over.

" Mrs.Perez, you do know that if he presses charges, you could be sentenced right?"

" Yes, I do." I mumbled

" Would you like to speak to him?" His eye's darted for the clipboard to mine multiple times as he questioned me.

" Yes please, what room is he in."

 " Room 156, second floor." I turned to walk away but he grabbed my arm, " Be careful, this man is....different."

Slowly letting go of my arm, he went in the other direction.

I began to walk towards the elevator, what does he mean different? I'm just hoping he doesn't press charges. I could never life with myself knowing that my son is being raised without my guidance, I know what it feels like, and I'm not giving him the chance to experience it.

I know that Jacob would not be able to take it, he can barely be away from me when he's on his business trips, he calls everyday and talks to me for hours. I know that I couldn't live without him, he's my everything.

I finally came to the door, peeking in. 

He had several wires strapped to his arm, and a breathing mask clamped to his face. His chest heaved up and down, trembling every once and a while. He looked exactly like he did before, peaceful.

Okay, I can do this. 

I opened the door, sliding in quietly. I set my purse down on the chair beside the door, proceeding to his bed. He looked  like a little angel. 

His eyes slowly crept open, then he began to blink several times. My throat began to clog, and my stomach began to rumble. Why was I so nervous? 

" Who are you?" His words came out slow, voice deep. I walked back a couple steps. 

" Um, I ran you over with my car about two hours ago, I was just coming up to ask how you felt." I said, words spilling out of my mouth. I was nervous for some reason, but I guess anyone would be nervous talking to the person they ran over with their car.

" Oh, that's fine, I mean I'm fine. I'm D'Angelo, what is your name?" He pushed the covers off his body, and took the bed remote, fixing it so he was sitting up a little more.

" I'm Sienna, do you mind if I sit?" I said while pointing to a chair.

" No, it's fine."

I sat down with my purse, and took out my phone. 

" What's that?" He asked. 

I held up my phone, " What, this? Just my phone." 

He scrunched his eyebrows together like he never has seen a phone before.

I text Jacob asking him were he was. In about 2 minutes, he text back asking for the room number. I gave it to him and put my phone back in my purse.

" Well, my husband is on his way up." I announced

" What is his name?" He asked

" Jacob, and he's probably with my son Rowan." He looked in the other direction, playing with his fingers. 

I wan't to ask him if he's going to press charges, but I'm not sure if that will know, rude. I decided to wait for Jacob to come so if he is, they can talk about it. 

I looked out the door window and saw a big afro walk by, Jacob.

" One second." 

I got up and opened the door, stepping out.

" Jacob! " I semi yelled

He turned around, walking back towards me. He had Rowan in his arms, while he was eating a granola bar.

" Hey. " he sat Rowan down, hugging me. It felt so good to be in his arms after this long day.

" Mommy, why did you run over that man?" I looked down at Rowan, picking his up while walking back to the room door. 

" It was an accident, like how you spill your milk sometime. Mommy didn't mean to."

" Oh." He crumbled up the wrapper handing it to Jacob. 

D'Angelo was still sitting on the bed, with a straight face expression. Rowan began to wiggle excitingly. He always loved meeting new people. He really was never shy either.

" D'Angelo, this is my family. My husband Jacob, and my son Rowan." 

He turned his head around and smiled. Jacob walked over and shook his hand as they began to have small talk.

" Mommy, can I say hi to him?" His little face lit up when I said yes.

He ran over, tugging on Jacob's sweats. He picked him up, and D'Angelo held him in his arms, talking.

Jacob walked towards me with a smile on his face.

" Sorry about earlier, I know I need to be there more often. You were right, and I was wrong." He said.

" Aw, it's alright, I just don't wan't our son growing up without a father. I know you try baby, and I'm sorry too."

Jacob grabbed me and played with my hair like he always does when we make up. I hugged him back while looking over his shoulder at D'Angelo. He was looking at us before he cut his eyes away, continuing to play with Rowan. 

 I don't know the feeling I get when I'm around him but, it's.....different.

( How do y'all feel about the relationship with D'Angelo and Sienna? Sorry for the long wait again, I had a busy weekend. Hehe I rhymed :3. But anyway, D'angelo on the side. )

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