six:dark ally-ways

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Walking down the street he realized he had nowhere to go. He never got the chance to get a job, even though he didn't know how to get one. Cars passed him by, honking their horns every once in awhile because he might have accidentally stepped off the skinny sidewalk, or because he probably look's like an idiot right now. 

" People are so rude here." He thought to himself.

He cut the corner, walking into a dark ally. Boxes and rummage surrounded the ground, making it hard to walk. Well, at least they gave him some shoes. Still reminiscing on the past, he wishes he didn't remember. Maybe then, it would be easier to concentrate without his mind drifting making him more depressed. He could have had everything, a healthy baby boy, a loving wife, but he left her...if only he would have stayed home, he could have protected her in a better way. And maybe he himself wouldn't have died....

" Listen Jimmie, we said if you don't have our money by the end of the week, you would get merked."

He stopped in his tracks hiding behind the nearest dumpster. Peeking around the corner, he saw a man holding another man up against the brick wall. He had multiple tattoos, light skin along with the cliche brown curly hair that clutched closely to his head, along with his freshly cut hairline.

" Please Dakota , I have a kid and a wife. J-just give me one more week, I promise I'll have it."

D'Angelo tried his best not to make a sound as he pulled back from looking around the corner of the dumpster. His mind was now cluttered with thoughts. Should I save this man? But you don't even know him. But he is in danger. But you don't know him D'angelo. Before he could make him mind up and stop fighting with his conscience, he heard gun fire. 

" Yeah, he's done. "

D'Angelo suddenly shot up, tackling the man to the ground before he could escape. Almost instinctively, he rose his right fist, readying himself for a punch. As he wind back his arm, he had already took a hit and let the stinging pain from the cut above his left eye and the blood in his mouth transform into anger. The anger that courses through him and infuses his arm with strength. He shoveed his arm forward into the man's jaw. He hears a crack and the man collapses as he feels his knuckles whine in protest from the impact. His heart is beating hard in his chest as he looks down at him. Blood spills from his mouth, but he spits it out and starts to stand up.

If D'Angelo didn't know any better, he would have thought this man had some sort of training. His left fist connects with D'Angelos face before he could even block the punch. His head twists in the other direction with impact. The same sting that he felt in his hand was now on his face, and it was not felling good.  Before he lands another fist upon D'Angelo's face, he rose his left leg and kicked him in the crotch. It was a low hit, but it takes the man to his knees. He then shove his elbow down on the base of his neck and the man finnaly collapses.

D'Angelo wiped his hand across his lips and looks down at it. His vision was blurry from the punches her received, but he could tell blood dripped from his caramel, but bruised, fingers. He then remembered the other man and ran over to him, kneeling on the ground beside him. When his vision came back to his bruised eye, he stopped what he was doing,

" Jacob?"

[ I actually made this one short on purpose..hehe. ]

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