seven:husband father...dope boy?

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" Babe, have you seen the ashtray?"

The light breeze came in through the window, causing Sienna to pull the covers up to her chin. The warm, thick black blanket that Jacob just had to get , to as he put's it " keep his baby warm.." , when they first started their life together, was now her favorite one. His rummaging throughout their room woke her out of her rather peaceful dream that was now ruined. She pushed the cover off of her torso, sitting up onto her elbow.

" No, I haven't." Her raspy voice let out, " Jacob, I asked you not to smoke in the house. I don't want to smell that, and I definitely don't want that around Row."

Now that she was woke, she was incapable of falling back asleep, so she rolled out of bed, walking over to their bathroom. Jacob, still rummaging throughout the room, began to make sense that he just woke up his sleeping beauty. He would have never thought that their life would end up like this, ruined to be exact. He never planned things to be the way they were, the just... happened. Now fully clothed in his daily office cloths, he gave Sienna one of his famous hugs that he made up when they first met. Sienna thought it was the most corniest thing, but she loved it too.

" I love you, " he kissed her lips, " I'll be back."

" Promise?"

The words slipped out of her mouth before she could take them back.Its just she has been beginning to become quite lonely with Rowan at school, and having them just moved there and not having much friends, except a most likely mad Keshia, he was really all she had...left. They had been through so much together that she started to doubt that he wanted her still. "I mean, who would want me? ",she would start to think when he hadn't come home on time.

" Baby, " he took both her hands in his, bending down a bit, " I love you, okay. Nothing can change that, I will always love you, no matter what. I know I'm not always here, and I admit that I need to work on that. But no matter what, I will never abandon you, okay?"

He pulled his chin over her head and hugged her tight. His watch read 8:00, indicating that he was late for his meeting.

" I have to go, okay. I'll be back, promise. " his soothing voice spoke.

He grabbed his coat, heading for the door leaving Siennia behind. He walked down the driveway and past the neighbors house going to his car. Almost immediately his phone rang as he pulled off in the direction of his destination.

" Hello?" he answered.

" Man were are you, boss paired me up with yo' late ass." his friend, Mikey, responded. He had met Mikey on the first day and they had been friends ever since. Both of their wives don't know about their little job. Unlike Jacob, Mikey likes to keep things from his wife, including the fact that he has another child by a different woman. A black woman. Not like there was anything wrong with that , but his ass should know how racist his wife is. Jacob can't even go over their house without his wife always slurring Mexican jokes at him.

" Man chill, I'm on my way now. I had to calm Sienna down before I left, that's all." He turned the corner.

" You already know your wife fine as hell, if you ever d-" Jacob cut him off fast, " Remind me not to invite you over my house." Mikey chuckled as Jacob pulled up to his sinful secret.

" Alright, I'm walking up the driveway now."

He slid out of the car and jogged up to the door, careful not to trip on the uneven steps; His curly hair jumping with every step he took. He entered the main entrance that had several guards. He didn't have to have a code or anything since he was a usual guest. Jacob almost floated down the hall as he tryed to not make any noise.

The building looks really grungy from the outside but the inside was a completely different story. Gold danced along the bottom and tops of the walls, and angles were painted on the ceiling along with the pail blue sky that almost looked like they were really there. It was a captivating sight honestly. He opened the door that the meeting was being held in and quietly walked in while boss was explaining directions. He actually really wasn't the head boss, just a filter to make sure they don't fuck up the job. Kyle, his name is. He stands about six feet tall, and a little on the heavy side.

" Jimmie, your late." he says as Jacob walks over to take a seat next to Mikey. " Sorry, it wont happen again."

He nods slowly as he continues giving directions. If you were to look around, really all you would see were old desks and druggies. Jacob use to be one in high-school, but quit after he met Sienna. He could just never get out of the game. It was like his second life. It was his second life. There was a lot about Jacob that Sienna didn't know...

" Jimmie and Mikey, you go to 14th Winchester, Kale and Jake you meet on Main, and Jessie and Taylor you meet on Sonoma. When you all meet the expectations, come back and turn everything in. " his husky voice said. Every-once and a while he had to stop to catch his breath.

Everyone got into their separate cars and drove to the destination that they were given. It just happened to be that Jacob's spot was where the rough people where. They pulled up to a safe place sell and got the drugs together. They really didn't talk up to this part, they had to concentrate because one little slip up and poof you were gone. No saving you once boss get's a hold of your ass. And everyone knew that.

Jacob took his corner and Mikey took the one around the block. It didn't take long before people began to flock to him. But after about nine costumers, he saw someone that he didn't want to see.

" Fuck. "

Jacob dashed around people as the man chased him, almost catching him a couple times. A escape strategy was all he could think of finding when he sprinted into a dark ally. A dead end was his crushed hope when he discovered that he was trapped by the man that he owed money.

" Listen Jimmie, we said if you don't have our money by the end of the week, you would get merked."

Jacob knew Dakota had a soft spot in his heart so he tried his best to just brush up against it so he could get away.

" Please Dakota , I have a kid and a wife. J-just give me one more week, I promise I'll have it."

" Jacob, Jacob, Jacob. Shame that you couldn't get us our money before the time was up, I'm going to enjoy raising your son and fucking your wife numb once I'm done with you. " he slandered.

Jacob's face hardened. Dakota always had a little something for Siennia since high school, and Jacob knew it. Being that Dakota was the homie, he decided to not say anything. But now he was just taking it too far.

" Your not going to touch my son and your definitely not going to get a chance to get near me wife. " Jacob spit at his feet and looked back up to be knocked to the ground then dragged back up the wall be the Dakota's strong grip.

" Fuck you Dakota. You can got to hell. " Jacob hissed in Dakota's face.

" Well I guess I'll see you there then. " Dakota pulled out a gun and before Jacob could protest, everything that was once in front of him, faded into complete darkness.

Omfg, I feel old. I haven't been on here in such a while. Sorry if ithe chapter is shitty..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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