I've been tagged!

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So, I've been tagged my best friend, fatema-chan ! So, here are the Q's and A's.

1.) Who's your favorite character?
Either Ruki-kun or Kou-kun.

2.) How old are you?
I'm 13. Honestly, I shouldn't be saying my age.

3.) What's your favorite food?
Alfredo pasta. Yum-yum.

4.) Do you have a senpai?/best friend?
Yes. I have a senpai. And best friend.

5.) What's you favorite music?
DiaLovers songs, Seven Devils by Florence and The Machine, and Bad Apple by touhou.

6.) Who's your hated character?
I don't mean to be a hater, but that would Laito Sakamaki. I'm sorry, I just don't like hentai's like him.

7.) Do you watch or play Yandere Simulator?
Sadly, I don't. Never got the chance to.

8.) Do you listen to woodtoaster songs?
No. I don't know what it is.

9.) Are you scared of jump scares?
Only sometimes. But I kinda got over it after I started playing Five Nights at Freddy's, and watching vids about it. So yeah, not that scared.


So there you have it! The questions! If any of you haven't playing Fnaf (Five Nights at Freddy's), I reccomend you watch informational videos on how to play, and the story and theories behind it. Helps you a lot in the game. The you can play. Cuz, you don't want to die in the game, right? Well anyways, that's all! Bye!

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