Chapter Three - A Stowaway

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Scott's Afternoon

3rd POV

A silver Mercedes Benz sped down the freeway. Scott had wound the front windows down as far as they went, allowing the fresh cool breeze to fill the inside of the car, making a rumbling sound as it continued to do so. He adjusted the volume knob, increasing it. The song 'Sweet Home Alabama' by Lynyrd Skynyrd echoed loudly, though not enough to make the car shake.

Two hours later, Scott found himself passing through a small town. And as he began driving past cafés and fast food stores, he decided to pull into a small parking lot, out the front of Jenny's and Benny's Diner. After quickly scanning the lot, he parked beside a shiny, well looked after black Lexus RX 350. As he switched off the ignition, his mobile phone began to ring. 

Scott dug his hand into his pocket to pull out his red flip phone Nokia. He glanced at the screen to see Derek's name printed across it. Irritated, Scott answered it.

"Derek, what's going on-"

"Is she with you?" Derek's desperate voice cut in. Scott's thick eyebrows furrowed,

"Is who with me?"

"Jasmine you idiot!"

"Calm down brother, I'm sure she's just hanging by the lake, cooling off steam." Scott spoke in a calm, reassuring tone. 

"I've already checked there." Derek's voice shook. Scott sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Maybe she went for a walk around town then? Went to one of her friends' house?" Scott offered.

"I've had the Warrior Wolves scout the town. There isn't a trace of her. Scott are you sure she's not with you? She didn't sneak in or something?"

"No man, I've been driving for hours," Scott told him, his eyes drifted around the car, slowly he turned to look in the back seat, "I think I would have known if there was a stowaway by now..." his voice trailed off when his eyes landed on a crouched figure behind his seat. The girl had her face buried into her knees, her dark hair fell in front of her forehead. Slowly she lifted her head and looked up at Scott.

"Right. Well, if you here from her, let me know. Dad's going to kill me when he finds out she's run off again." Derek mumbled the last part.

"Will do. I hope you find her," Scott answered, his eyes remained trained on his younger sister's. He then hung up the phone, giving Jasmine his full attention. 

"You have two minutes to explain what it is exactly that you're doing here." 

Scott wasn't happy. Neither was his stomach, it grumbled furiously, demanding to be fed. Jasmine cracked a smile when she heard it. Scott remained unwavering. Jasmine sighed and then brought herself up to sit on the back seat properly and comfortably.

"I wanted to see the Palace." she said and she stretched her legs out and cracked her neck to the sides. Scott's facial expression remained the same, stern but not angry.

"Jasmine, you can't." he told her. "You know you can't ever let the Royals find out about you."

"They won't know just by looking at me in person Scott." she reasoned, a large frown growing upon her face now.

"What if they ask to see your wolf?" Scott queried.

"Then I'll tell them that I need to go and find you to ask you something. If they don't drop it I'll find a way or an excuse to leave and return home." she shrugged.

"Well thats a well planned strategy." Scott muttered sarcastically.  

"Scott please!" Jasmine exclaimed, catching him by surprise. He eyes her warily. "You have no idea what it's like to be locked up in that small house, day after day, to go to school and come straight home, to never be allowed out after dark or to stay the night at a friends house. To never be allowed to leave the towns borders!" She then looked down at her hands and began to fidget with her fingers. "I hate being different." she mumbled.

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