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I spot her a few seconds after I stepped into the show case. It's too soon to make a scene now. I'll wait for the right time to strike. But when will that be? There's not a sure way to figure this one out. I'll just stay hidden until the time is right.

Dazzling dresses and drinks in every hand. Guest of the showcase walk around and observe the display of dresses worn by the designer's models of their own choosing. Meanwhile, I roam about, observing a certain piece of art, one that walks, breathes and has a body like a goddess. Not my cup of tea ,but I mustn't be picky. I must follow through with this either way, to make my brothers proud of me. They would be so unhappy if I failed.

A certain dress caught my eye. I remember seeing it before in a magazine my wife had once read. Idly, I stand there, twisting my wedding ring, picturing how lovely she would fit into it. It's so elegant. All red, like a pool of blood. Bright as the blood in the heart of a human body, the blood nearest to the heart is the brightest, it matches her charismatic personalty and the light pure in her heart.

Caught in my thoughts, a woman interrupts me with soft spoken greetings. ''You have an eye for fashion. I see, you're very talented,'' She insist.

''Hm.'' I'm caught off guard. ''Not really. I just came to look around like everyone else here.'' I say, trying to sound inconspicuous. ''My name is Monica.'' She takes her left hand and flips her silky brown hair over her shoulder perfectly. ''Lucas. It's nice to meet you.''

I hate small talk.

''This is one of my latest works. It would be nice if anybody really liked it though.''She sadly speaks

''I like it. You should be put in first place. Everything I've seen here doesn't compare to this fine piece of art,'' I say charmingly.

''Want to have a look around with me?'' She sincerely ask, with a smile so lively.

''Sure.'' I say, slipping off my ring, unsure if she has already seen it. Perhaps I can try to be single for a day.

Throughout our time together, we freely made crack's about the competitions dresses and had a great time together. I was quite impressed with her. I wanted to know more about this women... I mean assignment.

Gotta stay on task. Can't slip up.

I need to find a quiet place; somewhere where we can be alone. She pulls me aside from the crowd for a private chat.

''Would you be interested in coming with me to this new club that just opened up.... lets say around.... ten-ish? Tomorrow would be acceptable. Here's my address, don't be late.''

The clubs around here always end up shuting down and then reopening again.


I have my chance now. It couldn't get any better then this.

''I'll see you then Lucas.''She says with a seductive wink.

How did she know my name? I don't think I ever mentioned it to this woman. Very odd. I'm sure that it's nothing to worry about though. She seems harmless at appearance. Then again, I don't really have a clue who this woman is. My brother gave me little information to go on, but I think it's enough to go by; for now.

''Will do.'' I reply calmly, maintaining myself, giving a warm smile.

We both separate from each other and go our own ways. Turning my head back, I see her eyes for only a moment as she stares back at me. I then completely turn around, taking the ring out of my pocket and placing it in its original place. I should get out of here, now that my work is finished.

SadisticNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ