Fatal Attraction

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''Sir. Are you ready to see her now? Sir. Mr. Lucas, Lucas Moore. '' A voice is calling me as I'm asleep. I hear another voice more settling too, a womans voice.


''Lucas. Lucas! Aren't you gonna hop in?'' A loud beep startles me. Turning my head to the sound, I see a girl I sorta know from school. She offers to give me a lift to school. I didn't have a car then. My parents were struggling at the time to support my needs. ''Yeah, sure.'' It beat another twenty minutes of walking to school in those shoes.

''Aren't you in my English class?'' She ask unknowingly.

''Science actually.'' I correct her.

''That's right,'' she laughs. ''You're that really smart kid that sits two seats in front of me in the front row in Mr. Harry's class. What are you doing walking this far to school? Something could happen to you around these parts of the neighborhood.''

She was right. I'm always a step in the wrong direction when walking to school each day.

''Yeah, sure.'' I hop in her 1973 dodge charger. It has that color of a dark green garbage truck. After talking to her for awhile I learned that her parents got her this car for her. She tells me that she's an A student, just like me. That's when we became best friends. I never had much friends in High School. She was the only person that saw me as a real person, and not some nerd with an interest in anatomy.

One day on the way to school I noticed some marks on her body, some here and there. ''Who did this to you!'' I grabbed her wrist and examined it before she snatched it away from me. '' It's none of your business Lucas! She snapped. ''You should just leave this alone and worry about yourself.''

''Monica, just tell me who it was and I'll make sure it never happens again.'' I was surprised by the answer I got back from her.

Why would they do such a thing to her? She doesn't deserve this. I've gotta do something about this. I thought she had an average life of any teenage girl. Her parents didn't deserve to live!

When I got home I explained everything to my brothers, Erick and Derek. Markus was too young and still in his last year of middle school. As my brothers, they would do anything for me... anything. I remember Monica telling me she had soccer practice and wouldn't be home until eight-thirty. The time couldn't be anymore perfect. Her uncle kept the front door unlocked.

The next day, everyone at school read about a break-in at ''fourty-one Chestnut Manner.'' In the police report, they tell of three fugitives breaking into someone's home and murding a rich couple. Not many people cared, except one.

Monica went to go live with her uncle because she had no one to live with that was in the state. That means she's had to find a new best friend, and graduate her senior year with a class with students she didn't even know. But she was safer now and could live a better life, with just a few emotional problems to deal with. I bet she'd be thanking me if she realized what a noble deed I did for her; wouldn't you?


The nurse finally let us see her after tedious hours of waiting around the desparately needy patients. A woman names Sandra Cruz, let us through inside the room where my wife, Grace, had been resting. She pulled the white curtain back to reveal my Grace, hurting, scared, and in discomfort. How could this happen to such a lovely woman, my wife? From the relevant signs, I believe it's all but too soon to tell.

She prevaricates using her usual tender smile, eyelids barely open to be seen presentably. The two kids, Jane and David, rush by her side with open arms and watery eyes. How are you mommy?'' Jane speaks first. Grace shudders a moment, prying herself up with her elbows. She's still capable of moving her upper body, the lower half seems to be the real issue here. A few bruises and scratches around her face and exposed skin are wrapped in blood-stained badages and band-aids. But everthing is still fully intact, the doctor tells me.

I hear her speak for the first time after the accident. ''I'm fine honey. How's your father over there doing?'' She speaks with a shaky tone and smiles at me. The kids tell her of how exciting school was and the new things they have learned. The hospital is about to close. The clicks and clacks of a nurses heels can be heard down the hall. She comes to tell the kids and I that we can come by everyday, but now we need to leave because it's closing-time.

After I drive the kids back home, I cook them grilled cheese sandwiches, their most beloved meal. Then send them each to bed. I have a long day tomorrow. With Grace in recovery things will be a little harder. Who will watch the kids while I'm at school? My brothers. Highly trained killers to babysit the children I swore to keep safe. Out of the three, it's sad to say only one can really be trusted in the care of these kids. My brother Mason...

Mason arrives early after I call him. He says it's not a problem at all. That he could work on the weekdays. I trust him. Trust is not a word I use loosely. Mason has been a good brother to me throughout our years together. I'd helped him as much as hte helped me grow. He turned out to be the only sane one out of a bunch of irregularities that were born. him and only him do I trust.

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