Chihiro Fujisaki x reader - Could you teach me?

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You are the ultimate ____. Your trapped in Hopes Peak Academy with 15 other students but the only way to escape is to murder another and get away with it. You've been fully introduced to everyone but one student catches your interest; Chihiro Fujisaki, The Ultimate Programmer.

You walk down the corridoors of the first floor. You all agreed from the first day you all arrived there that you would all go down to the cafeteria to report any updates on a way to escape the school. On your way you see Chihiro infront of you, his head hanging low. You decided it was best to cheer her up, the school needed more smiles after the three unpleasant deaths.
"Chihiro? Are you alright?" You softly asked as you walked faster. She stopped walking and turned slightly, her eyes were heavy with tears and a frown drowned her into a deep depression. Chihiro quickly turned back around but stayed put, waiting for you. Once you were stood beside her she sighed heavily.
"Hello (y/n), I-I'm a-alright. Tha-ank you for a-asking." She said as she kept her head down, avoiding eye contact with you. Her voice trembled, you could tell she had been crying last night and this morning.
"Are you 100% sure?" You hoped she's give you an honest answer this time.
"y-yes?" voice shook, she was about to burst into tears you could tell.
"Hmm. Chihiro? When we're done hearing what the others have found around the second floor could you teach me-" You couldn't finish your sentence, Chihiro was looking straight into your (e/c) while hers were drowning in emotions.
"W-what could I teach you (y/n)? I'm useless to you without my computer." She sighed as tears strolled down her cheeks.
"How you make a program... There was a computer in the Library, you could teach me how to make one if you want. I'd love to learn about programming, but you don't have-"
"I'd be happy to (y/n)." Chihiro smile, she looks like an angel. Her smile made you simultaneously smile along with her.
"Hey, love birds, if your done flirting like narwall and eyebrows do, can you get a move along to the cafeteria hmm?" A sharp, masculine voice interrupted you two. Byakuya walked towards you both, eyeing you down as if you were a stain on his white shirt.
"Well? I haven't got all day you know (surname)!" He exclaimed as he pushed between you and Chihiro. 'filthy bastard' you though as you noticed this hurt Chihiro and put her back in a depressed state. You both decided to walk to the cafeteria. where you were greeted by the others.

~ time skip to after the cafeteria conference thing ~

"(y/n)?" Chihiro walked towards you, hope filled her eyes. You smiled which made Chihiro also smile, as if you were a mirror.
"Yes Chihiro? Are you alright with teaching me?" You ask, she nodded contently. You stole the computer out the library swiftly and un-noticed. You both worked in her bedroom. There was a lot of technology across her room. She sat down on her bed crossing her legs and resting the laptop on her lap. You stood at the door, you didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable with you choosing automatically where to sit. She smiled at your actions. "You can sit with me (y/n)~chan!" She smiled her bubbly smile while patting down on the bed. You sat and watched her make her own program. You must've spent hours together but you loved the time you spent. You learned more about her passion and she was content with teaching you.
"U-um the laptop is getting quite hot on my thighs (y/n)... could I move to the desk?" Chihiro asked, you nodded. You noticed her fidgeting her legs, which were so intreaging and feminine you couldn't help to stare for a split second before moving to the desk. She sat in the chair and you stood and looked over her shoulder, watching her create an accurate and well thought out AI program, she was a pro at this kind of thing after all.
"Y-you should try, (y/n) so that you can see for yourself what to do..." Chihiro stood up and let you sit down, where she stood up and let you sit down, she took your place and stood over your shoulder, giving you pointers and helping make your own personalised program. You made a pretty decent program, but it was all thanks to her.
*ding, dong* *ding, dong* Ahem, may I have your attention please? The time is now 10:00p.m. "nighttime" is now in effect. The cafeteria is now off - limits and the door will be locked momentarily. And with that, I wish you all a good night. Sweet dreams...
The monokuma announcement ruined the perfect mood you both had. Chihiro looked at the program made, she sighed again.
"How long did w-we program for? S-sorry I wasted your time (y/n) ~ chan. I-I shouldn't have-" Chihiro started sobbing you grabbed her hand softly and pulled her close to you so that you could kiss her cheek lightly, making her blush.
"It's alright Chihiro. I had an amazing time here today." You say looking into her green eyes, she was exaughsted. She smiled and held your hand back.
"Thank you, (y/n)." She leaned closer to you and gave you a kiss on the cheek back, making you also blush. You both smiled as her soft, small hands gripped onto yours. You stood up and held her against your chest hugging her tightly. She slowly wrapped her arms around you too.
"You-ur clothes are very soft and warm~" She dug her head into your chest as her words trailed on, she was almost asleep on your chest.
"Chi-Chihiro?" you stutter, you don't know how you should appropriately react, she was holing you while smiling. You were a blushing mess. Chihiro didn't reply so you took it that she fell asleep, you ran your fingers through her short, light brown and layered hair.
"I love you Chihiro, don't forget that..." You smiled resting your head on hers.
"I love you too, (y/n)... don't forget that either..." She smiled, you suddenly felt like a complete idiot for saying that infront of her but didn't regret it. She let go of you and held you face. You expected a kiss goodnight from her but it seemed she was to shy to. You decided to kiss her and she kissed back, her soft lips pecked yours. She moved back, holding her hands behind her back. You both were as red as Mahiru's hair.
"I-I guess I'll see you tomorrow? Thank you (y/n), from this morning to now." You smiled and walked towards the door slightly disappointed you couldn't carry on kissing her.
"Goodnight Chihiro." You smiled as you shut the door behind you, soon hearing locking - omf it said licking before I rly need to read through it - noises from inside the room. 'What a cinnamon bun' you thought as you went to your room, locked the door and collapsed onto the bed with exaughstion, smiling like a japanese school girl.
This was the first request I got and it's my first x reader if you want you could tell me what to improve on but I hope you like it EscapingMidnight Sorry it's in third person I forgot about first person shit ;-;

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