Junko x Male!Reader - You saved me (Part Two)

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This is far from done but sorry if this turns out super long I just wanna make the story interesting and have more meaning than just straight to fluff... 


One woman though, save his life. Her name you ask? That's for a later time.

She was, well wonderful. Her blond pigtails bounced as she walked confidently, her eyes filled with happiness and joy. When he was working at the café where she regularly visited, she would always request for him to serve her and sit with her. She seemed honest, caring and gentle. After a while they both decided to meet each other somehow. (y/n) didn't care about how he was going to fit the meetings in with his tight schedule but he was determined to talk to her more than their restricted time. They had decided to meet together on a field with various plants and flowers sprinkled along the fine strands of green grass.  However, after a while of being force into sexual encounters and trying to survive the beatings he received regularly, it changed him for the worse. He began developing an addiction. He wanted more from the women but dared to submit to their disgusting ways. He figured it was just a phase through puberty, that it would pass but it didn't. The woman who cared for him noticed more love bites along his skin and scars, she questioned him countless times, he always answered the same:

"They're nothing, please don't worry... it doesn't su-"

"I'm sick of you lying (y/n). For once, tell me the truth or I'm gone, no more meetings, no more plans, nothing. I'll disappear. Forever." She raised her voice, making (y/n)'s eyes widen with shock. He soon was washed with a tsunami of anxiety and fear that he could lose the woman he cared for most.

The woman's eyes began to scan his body, more concerned for his state of mind rather than what he would do.

"I-I.. I can't I'm sorry... It's just, please if you leave... I'll have nothing..." This peaked her interest as she stared into his (e/c) orbs.

"I want you in my life... Junko..."

*please leave Junko, I might not be able to control myself any longer*

"I care about you too just please tell me why you have so many jobs, why you have scars and layers of bites along your skin."

*Stop... Please... Junko*

(Y/N)'s body stiffened as his mind played back all the abuse, the rape, the blood and gore and trauma until he faced a familiar scent. Alcohol.... Junko and (y/n) turned as the male was faced with a familiar figure. He didn't realise that his fathers favourite pub/bar wasn't far from them.

"Get the *hic* fuck up you *hic* man slut and *hic* get home you *hic* filthy rat." He stumbled towards his trembling body as he grabbed his wrist tightly, making blight red marks paint his (pale/dark/medium) skin. Junko forced herself to observe the man she loved being verbally abused and dragged into their not so far away home where he was faced with extreme violence.

(y/n)'s face was dripping with blood as he held onto his stomach, which was recently kneed by his father.

"Next time, *hic* stay clear of women *hic* like /her/, they hurt you *hic* like your disgusting cry-baby mother *hic* was..." His fathers hands were smothered in a familiar red substance, (y/n) lying on the floor, his body feeling numb. He muttered quietly so his father couldn't hear, holding back tears.

"shut the *hng* fuck up about Junko and mum *hng* you disgusting prick..." His father walked away, leaving his son who everyone blamed for his mothers death alone, helpless and alone. He thought about his past, everything that happened as he stumbled up his staircase coughing up splatters of blood on his work uniform sleeve. Today was his father's birthday which meant he restricted his gambling to just him and his pals, who worshiped him and his "ways of showing the cruelty of life" to his son. (Y/N) relaxed as he walked into the bathroom slowly and locking it behind him.

He looked into the mirror, bile bubbled in his stomach as he looked at the man ifront of him. Vile, disgusting, worthless. He deserved everything, the man in the mirror deserved to be tortured, impaled, decapitated, cut up into tiny pieces. To be violated, to have his innocence taken so easily, to have his life ruined for eternity, to watch the woman he loved walk away from him, her blonde hair flowing in the wind elegantly as he watches her skirt wave goodbye to him in the wind. (Y/N) started uncontrollably sobbing quietly, his eyes dripping like paint dripping from a brush tip, like eye liner ink drip from the brush and line it across the blonde woman's perfect eyes. She was the epitome of perfect, her perfect figure, her perfect dress code, her perfect voice, the perfect way her skirt was short enough for him to...

He quickly grabbed a towel and threw it over the bathroom cabinet mirror, feeling guilty to ever think of someone who cared about him so inappropriately. His eyes soon stopped bleeding water as he took care of his wounds, stitching over them and applying disinfectants before finally wrapping bandages around his waist, which stung like hell. He walked back to his small room next to the bathroom, it was first a storage area for his mother's possessions but after they were sold for more money for his father to gamble with it became his.

He lied himself down on top of the bare mattress, he wasn't privileged enough to have a bedframe nor a pair of pyjamas, all he had was a change in underwear, deodorant, his work outfits and his blanket and pair of pillows. He stripped himself of his café uniform and slipped into his blanket, lying on top of the mattress in only his boxers. He nuzzled into the pillow as he faded into a calming, relaxing sleep making sure that the intoxicating alcohol smell and the loud obnoxious laughs and loud noises made by the men downstairs wouldn't disturb his only chance of getting proper sleep.

- dream below -

"C'mon (Y/N)! You promised you'd stay over tonight!" She smiled, her face was unclear but her actions, her hair, her voice made it clear it was the woman he desired for. She held out her hand ready to take his. He obliged and held firmly to it as they walked to Junko's home, which was empty at the moment. Once they got inside, something... changed in the both of them. He felt himself being pushed against the wall beside the front door as the culprit locked it, making sure no one saw them together. She crashed her lips against his as he closed his eyes and freed himself of her cage of love, only to trap her in his own version. He held her hands above her head as her body pushed up against his, her chest fully pressed against his, moaning into the kiss. They broke for a split second for air as their mouths met again for a more heated and passionate kiss. His body was filled with lust and want with every movement they made. He licked the bottom of her lip, pleading for entry, she began teasing him and smirked against his mouth, keeping her mouth shut. This only ticked the male off, he naturally let go of one of her wrists and groped her breast, making her moan in approval. He took this chance to slide his tongue in. His and her pink muscles waltzed with passion and love. Nothing more, nothing less.

Soon after having broken for air, he panted whilst picking her up and carrying her in bridal style towards the living area and onto the couch. Both their faces were as red as blood whilst they began furiously stripping each other of their clothing, until they were in nothing but their undergarments. She blushed seeing the bulge being concealed by his boxers. He steadily unclipped her bra and began massaging the two mounds of flesh, hearing her mewls and moans were pure bliss. He moved up to her neck and kissed various areas of the anatomy, looking for the one spot that made her moan.

"Ah~ (Y/N)~" She gasped as he nibbled and bit down on the area giving him the perfect reaction he wanted ever so badly. She then-

(Y/N) woke up, his face flushed bright red as his body was glistened with sweat, he remembered his dream thoroughly only to worry that he might've made a noise indicating to his father that he was up to something. He heard a familiar sound of bottles of alcohol clink together as three to four drunken men cheered for their beloved and innocent friend. He sighed reassuringly and laid his head down again to sleep, his eyes heavy with disgust over his mind, not wanting to see anyone around him in the state he was in.

To be continued...

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