Junko x Male!Reader - You saved me... (Part One)

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I'm sorry this took so long to make rip but this is part one - I'm trying to make more story than usual so sorry if its not something you expected :"")


(Y/N) was the type of person who blushed easily, was the type anyone could be honest too and he wouldn't lash out or complain. He would just listen and give advice if it was needed, well you could say it was in his nature since he was the Ultimate Lawyer. Ever since he was a child, he was constantly helping others, from helping an abused student to ridding racsist american states of thier discriminating ways. He supported other people's causes who he believed needed to be heard. (y/n) was an amazng man, he was kind, honest, caring, thoughtful and more. But his past and present wasn't as elegant as he was...

Alchohol. Alchohol submerged his 5 year old self as he watched his parents, his mother sobbing into a drenched tissue, sitting down at their family's kitchen table and his father was intoxicated, threatening his former wife. (y/n) stood by the stairs in his house, which gave him a first hand view of his parent's 3rd argument of the day. He watched as his drunken father dragged his beloved lover by her soft chocolate brown hair and threw her across the room for crying. He began throwing slurred swears, threats and distorded words at the woman who layed on the floor, her head throbbing from the impact. (Y/N)'s father was strong even while his body was infused with substances.

"Y-You stupid *hic* bitch! Wh-Why the FUCK did you *hic* ignore me when I told you *hic* to abort the pathetic *hic* excuse of a son HUH?" He shouted as he reached to grab a recently washed glass dinner plates. (Y/N)'s eyes opened wide as he watched something that made his heart weep with fear and distress.

Blood trickled from the woman's wound. Scattered shards of glass surrounded her emotional body as she pleaded her husband for forgiveness. The other man mearly walked away from her, standing on her wrists causing them to bruise and fracture. Almost immediately, (y/n) scattered from his seat on the stairs and bolted up to his room. He wanted to stop his father and save his mother. However, the abuse continued against both of their wills... 4 years later, his mother was murdered by her husband. This broke (y/n), not physically but mentally. (y/n)'s mother was declared missng until he turned 15 when the case of her death was opened for the frst time in 5 years. (y/n) longed for this moment, he needed this. He had spent hours on end seeking help but his father soon found out (Y/N)'s plans to get the truth he longed for. (Y/N) faced countless beatings, receaved scars, blood stained school uniforms and undergone many surgeries due to the heavy abuse enflicted onto him. He viewed himself as the innocent and his father was the sins of thousands of men and women across the world. All love and compasson he had for his father faded away the moment he saw his mothers lifeless body drop to the floor at the age of 10.

" (Father's Name)has been found innocent for the death of (Mother's Name)'s death. God be with you all and may we let (Mother's Name) rest in peace forever and more." The judge echoed throughout the court room, lawyers and other men and women stood up from their seats and packed their things, half of them happy for their win, the other half were not so happy with the results.

The case was lost on (y/n)'s side as there was substiquent evidence of his father being the man responisble for his lover's death. (Y/N)'s father recieved mass amounts of sympathy, money and love during the followed funeral. Things he didn't deserve, things that made (y/n)'s stomach churn and yern for higher justice.

Once the death of their family member was starting to leave their concious mind, the threats, the scars, the blood and sweat and violence bubbled up to the surface. His father became a heavier drinker and (y/n) became a slave, putty in his fathers hands. His father decided to take up a new founded "hobby" you could call it... Extreme Gambling. He lost thousands of yen after thousands of yen gambling. At one point, he gambled away all of (y/n)'s mother's insurance money from her death - one of the reasons why (y/n) believed he killed her on purpose for money - against Celestia Ludenberg, a careless mistake. Once he lost nearly all their money, he needed to get some back and the way he gained the only source - or cure (y/n) called it personally - of his dying hunger for his extreme gambling issue was through (y/n).

He made him work hours in cafe's, shops, clinics for the elderly and more jobs than ever. Bags developed under his eyes and he was banned by his father from seeing his soon forgotten friends or family members. Once night peeked through the clouds, which was when his father gambled mostly, he would be stripped of his clothes and left only in tight boxers. (y/n) was used for the women gambler's who lost on purpose to take the young man into their home and use him for whatever purposes the women demanded. There were times where he questioned his sanity from all the assaults and disgusting acts made against him. Soon his body felt numb, as if he wasnt human anymore, he was just a sex toy for them all. He was used for their burning desires which thier husbands mostly couldnt fufill. (y/n) couldn't run, nor hide because of the crippling fear of both his father and his future.

One woman though, save his lfe. Her name you ask? Thats for a later time.

To be continued...

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