Preliminary my ass

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Only pic l could find to describe when Hana is merged with Haki.

*We're Back in the forest of death

Hanako's POV

"Bye guys" I waved off my team after l check up on them one last time.

'I just hope they find the Heaven Scroll they need' l thought to myself frowning as l'm leaping through the forest of death looking for people to get a heaven scroll off.

"You know full well they won't be any to find that scroll without you Hana" Haki piped in looking at me seriously. For once.

"They have to learn to depend on each other and not just me because no matter how much l try l'm not always going to be there to save them or be able to save them," I explained hinting at the Sister Abigail and Shikuri situation.

Haki growled lowly and stopped talking altogether. I looked at Haru and she smiled at me and mouthed 'don't worry'. I gave her a small smile.

*20 minutes later

"Down there to your left they have a heaven scroll," Haru and Haki told me grinning, their extremely sharp teeth showing.

I smirked and gave my Tigers one last look before the carnage began. I merged with Haki because for now I needed brute strength.

"Fire style fire ball Jutsu," I stated performing some simple hand signs leaning my head back ready to blow some fire their way.

I blew the giant fire ball and it rocketed towards the inexperienced group of ninja. I saw one of the ninja do some hand signs for a water style Jutsu but there was no way that was going to stop my fire ball but he tried it anyway. Surprisingly, he stopped the Jutsu but it was too late, l came up behind two of them and smashed their heads together, knocking them both out cold.

There was one left. I grinned my teeth sharp because of my merge with Haki.

"H-here t-take t-t-the s-scroll p-please spare me," He begged throwing the scroll at Haru shakily.

Haru laughed and knocked the poor boy out with ease. I stopped my merge with Haki and both of them disappeared back to their world to rest and relax for a while.

Suddenly I sensed something to the right of me. A group of 3. I grabbed a Kunai from my pouch and threw it where I thought the people were.

"Hey Hana calm down its us the sand nin," I heard Kankuro speak his voice getting closer and closer until I could see Gaara's gourd.

Gaara jumped down.

'Damn, he's looking as sexy as ever'

'We didn't need to know Hana!' They yelled at me inwardly sweatdropping.

And the other two followed swiftly behind him.

They walked over to me looking at the damage I had done and stepping over the three unconscious bodies of the ninja I had just beaten up.

"Damn Hana you did some damage," Kankuro whistled poking the unconscious guy in front of him with his foot.

Temari nodded in agreement. "Nice Hana,"

Gaara winked at me discreetly. "Didn't know you were such a beast"

The minute his words rolled of his tongue I bit my lip turning slightly red.

It was as if Gaara was mocking me. I could see the tiny smirk as he enjoyed my reaction.

'You wanna tease me like that Gaara, well two can play that game'

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