No Interruptions! Lets just do the training exercise

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Sakura's POV

l woke up feeling like poo. l had spent all night dealing with my cousins and giving the older relatives whatever they wanted, basically l waited on everyone hand and foot. But what really makes my blonde boil is the fact that that heartless bitch Hanako got to go on a date with Sasuke.

'Sakura, it wasn't a date' my brain reassured me.

Ok so maybe they only went as friends/rivals but that's not fair.

"Sasuke is mine, Dammit," l found myself saying out loud.

"Sakura, we're trying to sleep,"

"Sorry Mom," l answered blushing at my sudden outburst.

l got out of bed, took a nice hot bath and put my usual ninja outfit on. l walked over to my dresser, where my headband was and put on my hair, like as usual. l put my ninja shoes on and left the house.

"No, breakfast for me, l am on a diet," l chanted madly as l made my way to training ground 1.

Naruto's POV


l jolted straight up off my bed and landed on the floor with a big fat thud.

"Damn," l cursed.

"Man, now my butt hurts,"

l got up off the floor and went to take a shower, when l was finished l left the bathroom in just a towel and went to get changed into my bright orange jumpsuit. Once l had finished that l put my ninja shoes, grabbed my headband and tied it to my head.

l sprinted over to the kitchen to make my Ramen but l remembered what Kakashi had said.


"Don't eat breakfast or you will puke,"

Flashback over

"l guess there will be no breakfast for me today," l muttered sadly

l had a sad and dark aura and was in one of the corners of the kitchen. l soon snapped out of it when l realised that l didn't want to be late or Kakashi sensei would kill me. So l left my apartment, locking the door behind me and making my way over to the training grounds.

"l think it was training ground 5 that we were supposed to meet," l talked to myself.

l broke into a run as l got closer and ignored the people that were yelling abuse at me.

"Not like l haven't heard that before," l accepted.

Sasuke's POV

l was already finished putting my clothes on and l first finished that by putting my headband on, even though l didn't like it very much. It was standard part of your ninja uniform.

"Hn, no breakfast huh, he's trying to starve us so that we aren't in our best shape," l whispered quietly to myself.

l was half way to training ground 1 when l saw Hanako's house. l smiled and carried on walking.

Hanako's POV

"Get your ass down here Kakashi dad or do l have to make you!" l screeched at my dad.

Dad was currently upstairs in his bedroom getting dressed after sleeping in.

'More like reading Make out paradise'

l noticed something on the table, it was one of dad's Make out Paradise books. l picked it up and started reading it. OMG, this book was pervy but l had read worse. Yes when l lived with Mom she still had the shelf full of pervy books that dad used to read.

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