Zabuza had it all along

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Hanako's POV

"NARUTO watch out!"

I jumped in his way and got hit in back with multiple ice needles. I spat a bit of blood as I watched Sasuke and Naruto run over to me worried.

"Hana," Sasuke sounded worried for once in his life.

"l'm......fine..." I choked out spitting even more blood.

"Gomen Gomen Hana, Believe it," I hung his head in shame.

l tried to get up but I fell down and again but was caught by Sasuke just in time. That's when Haki appeared.

"Hana boss!" he ran over to me.

"Haki, where's Haru? I looked around frantically.

"Don't worry, she's helping Sakura," he reassured me.

l calmed down and realised I was still in Sasuke's arms, I wiggled a bit and he gently put me down onto my feet.

"Thank you Sasuke," I grinned at him.

Suddenly I felt something very powerful, I turned around and saw Naruto with the nine tails chakra that had manifested on him.

"Naruto, he gave in to his anger," I explained to Sasuke.

His eyes widened as he felt to just some of Naruto's power.

"So that's the nine tails chakra, it's so powerful," Haki marvelled.

Sasuke had disappeared from next to me and the next thing I know he has two of his tomes in his sharingan.

"You matched Haki's speed," l wowed.

He turned to me as smirked at I saw that he had manage to cut  Haki's cheek.

"Maybe you aren't so weak after all, kid,"


Naruto was just standing there slowly gaining more and more power. Suddenly he had a strange outburst which made everyone freeze and stop what they were doing. Even the ice mirrors shook from the impact.

"Naruto stop this," I tried to grab his shoulder but he punched me in the rib.

"Oof," I landed on the floor with blood gushing from my head and mouth.

Naruto was growling but when he saw me he stopped and Kurama's chakra started disappearing. All Naruto's fangs and extended fingernails shrunk. He looked at me in horror but then started falling from using too much chakra with Kurama.

"Naruto!" Haki caught him on his back and carried him to me.

Sasuke was now struggling with Haku and I had left Haki to help him.

"Why won't you just die?" Haku questioned curiously.

"That's no my ninja way Haku," I looked at him.

He frowned and shot out of the mirror like a rocket aiming for the unconscious Naruto and my partner Haki.

"Naruto," I went to save him but before I could react I saw Sasuke be stabbed everyone on his back and front.

"I can't let one of my rivals die," Sasuke coughed out blood and fell.

I caught him and took all the needles out of him before setting him down onto the ground softly.

"Don't die on me Sasuke," Tears were coming out of my eyes before I even realised.

"You saved" He closed eyes and I felt his heart beat slow down gradually.

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