Chapter 1.

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(Red P.O.V)

I smiled as my meal was placed in front of me, I sank my teeth into the delicious corpse. I sat up straight and looked around the room. My men paced back and forth. Even though I didn't watch them do it personally I knew that their guns were loaded and the safety was off.

Although I seemed happy I was annoyed, I was more than annoyed I was furious. Yet again Nick has managed to slip through my cannibalistic fingers yet again, but that time....that time was the last. a small chuckle forced it's way through my lips despite my intentions not to. Yet even as I did this my men didn't bat an eye lid for this had become a familiar thing for them to witness.

(Nick P.O.V)

I could feel my heart pumping rapidly as I ran, I didn't know where I was going I just knew that if I stopped running he would catch me. and I have a feeling that this was the last time I have escaped. Eventually I couldn't take the intense running any more and I had to slow into a fast paced walk. Around half an hour passed  before I started to hear yells behind me. I braced myself for an onslaught of pain as I began to sprint once more.

I felt something hit my leg but I felt no pain. I cursed under my breath knowing I was done for, my vision became blurry and I felt my legs move out from under me.

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