Chapter 7

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Hey guys I'm so so so sorry for how long the time between the uploads have been. I also apologized for how bad my story actually is!!
Anyway let's get on with the new chapter....

Reds pov

Nick was still yelling at me but by now  y/n had backed her/himself up against the opposite wall nick stopped arubtly  to look at what I was looking at when he saw the terror in her/his eyes he immediately began to apologise but all y/n did was flinch at every word
Amusing....very amusing
I strode over to Y/n's cell door and grabbed her/him by the arm. She/he tried to pull away but as soon  as my gun was pointed to her/his head all I heard were whimpers. "Red where are you taking her/him?!"Nick demanded but I ignored him.
I dragged the kid down to Nicks original cell and chained the kid to the wall before slowly drawing out a dagger.
"Wha. .what are you going to do to me?" Y/n asked. A sick twisted smile plastered on my face as I replied "I'm gonna hurt ya real, real bad" I run the tip of the dagger along her/his cheek drawing a small trickle of blood which I then slowly licked from her/his face causing the kid to flinch and tremble "p..please r..Red don't" she/he pleaded with me.
Ignoring her pleas I carried on speaking "So this is like the game twenty questions except only I ask the questions and if you don't answer or of you lie or maybe if I do.t like the answer then you get hurt!" I stated cheerfully.
I noticed y/n take a small gulp as I smiled wickedly at her/him
"Okay question number one: what is. Your FULL name" I started with a nice easy one.
"Y/n m/n B..barbarian" she/he said shakily.
I was really surprised by this but I didn't let it show.
"Question number 2: where is your group?" She/he didn't answer quick enough so I trailed the dagger across her for head  cutting a bit harder this time still she was silent.
This time I pulled up her/his stomach slightly and began  carving words into it. My ears were filled with the joyous sound of her/his screams . Once I had finished i looked at my handy work
Property of Red it read.
I looked up at y/n's face to see it covered with tears.
I looked deep into the kids eyes and whispered "you belong to me...NO one else just will do as I say when I say it no matter what it is."
Y/n hesitated before nodding slowly.

OMG OMG OMG!!! What will happen  next?? Does y/no know she's/he's related to Nick. Will she allow Red to be her master and to treat her/him as a slave or will y/n and nick escape???
I will again say that if you want to be in the story just comment to let me know!!!
My name is Circle and I'll see you later!

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