Chapter 5

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(Wood update!!!
Song above is what I listened to whilst   I wrote it!)

(Nicks pov)
After what red called an update I was moved from my cell to a new one with  bars and a window, I haven't seen outside in 6 months!
I ended up moving my bed over so I could sit on it and watch the sky and the clouds and the sun how I missed the warm sun on my back and being able to run with...with...Ghetto..
After around a week I had a visit from red not that I wanted to see him in was kinda nice to see another human being even if there wasn't much sanity left in him.
"So nick I brought you  a friend!" I looked at Red with confusion he saw it on my face and chuckled as he pushed a girl/boy locked in hand cuffs, ankle locks with a rope around her/his neck which ended in reds hand.
I smirked at the kid who only looked 12.
"What did you do to get yourself so tied up?" Man when did I change so much?
"I don't have to tell you anything" she/he said bluntly
I looked at Red for a second who just stood there watching the argument unfold
"If your gonna be stuck with me then watch your mouth" I growled at the kid getting worked up
"OH and what are you gonna do if I don't?"she/he argued.
"How about a visual I heard people learn quicker with those?"I shouted grabbing their collar and slamming her/him against the bars.
Suddenly I let go realising what I'm doing. She/he stumbled back looking at me with hatred
"I..I'm so sorry I didn't mean it are you okay?" I panicked not believing what I just did.
"It's fine I understand. I'm Y/N by the way" she/he replied wiping get bloodied nose on their sleeve
"Nick.."I replied,why is she/he acting so calm?
Red undid one hand cuffed which she/he used as an opportunity to sock me in the nose because I was pressed up against the bars.
I stumbled back clutching my nose
"I said I was sorry!"I yelled
"Yeah well I never said I forgave you!"she/he  replied as red quickly put the handcuffs back on
"You know what just because I don't like my food bruised I'm gonna  put you in opposite cells!" Red stated chuckling.

(Hope you enjoyed that chapter annoyingly I have to go back to school but don't worry I will still be uploading!!)

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