The note

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If only real life was like AJ. You wouldn't have to worry about bullies, or school. "Ellie!" My mom called,"bus is here!" I ran out the front door yelling bye to my mom. At least I only have one more week of school, then it's summer! I ran on the bus and sat down in my usual seat next to my friend lily . We actually met on animal jam, and figured out that we lived in the same neighborhood. "Hey truffle" (idk I just used my username :3) lily siad. "Hey blossom!" I replied. Her AJ username is blossombud so I call her that. "Nerds" the boy next me me siad. "Um I'll let you know that needs are going to rule the world one day." I siad. Just make it a joke Ellie, then it won't bother you. I do that a lot, it helps me feel better when people say mean things. "Just shut up Mason" Lily siad to the boy. We turned around and continued talking. "Hey I had the best dream the other night" lily siad. "Ha me too! What was it about?", I replied. "Animal jam!" My heart stopped for a second...I had one about animal jam." What did u do in it?" I asked. " Well I woke up in crystal sands and jut played around as my animal." "Ha do you know what's funny? I had one like that too! But I was in Sarepia forest" I said. "Ha we must telepathy or something" blossom laughed. Before I could ask her anything else the bus stopped and we had to get off. "Hey see you on aj tonight!", Blossom siad as she headed off to her homeroom. "Yeah...see ya...." In class all I did was daydream about aj, answer a few of the teachers questions and daydream some more. Finally the bell rang and I ran to my locker to grab my books. As I opened my locker a small note flew out. I grabbed it off the floor and read it.
"Meet me in Kimbara tonight" the note siad. I looked around. None of these kids played aj, well I think none of them play aj, and lily isn't in any of my classes. Who wrote this....

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