Fire alarm

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"Well that depends, what was your dream about?" I siad trying to edge him on into saying more things about the dream. "Well I was in animal jam, my favorite game, and I was knocked out and woke up in a room with 4 other animals." He finished "yep that was me" I said. "Wow cool I didn't know anyone else who played animal jam went to school with me!" He siad "Ha me neither" I Answered. "I've never seen you around. What grade are you in?" He asked "I'm a freshman in highschool! What about you?" "I'm a sophomore" he answered. A shrill noise rang through out the courtyard. The bell "Sorry I have to get to class nice talking to you!" I siad and ran to my homeroom. When I walked into class I was handed a tardy slip and told to sit down. Like a usual school day I just sat there daydreaming. But new thoughts filled my brain too. Stuff like " why me? I wonder if any of the other kids go to school with me? When should I text them?...then the fire alarm rang. We followed normal procedure, thinking it was just a drill. We got outside and lined up in the far side of the parking lot. After standing there for a while the kid next to me nudged me and pointed to the top of the school. Black smoke was poring out of the windows and I could see small flames flickering inside. "Mrs. T? (teachers name) can I please go to the bathroom in the auditorium I really need to go." Since the auditorium was not connected to the school building there was no way it could catch on fire. I had to text the other kids! "Ok fine but if you do anything fishy you have detention for a month, got it? Take someone with you." I knew without even thinking who I was going to take, lily. I jogged over to where her class lined up. "Lily Mrs.T wants me to take someone to the bathroom with me? Come with?" "No I don't want to come" she siad sarcastically. "Of course it do! " she finished. "I have to ask my teacher you in the front of the auditorium?" "K see you there!" I ran to the front of the auditorium where no one could see me and took out my phone. I typed in the password and opened up iMessage. I put all the kid's numbers in a groupchat and texted "hi"
Texting conversation:::
Me: hi
Lily: hey girlie
Unknown number: hi
Unknown number 1: hellos
Unknown number 2: sorry but I'm at school can we talk later?
Me: We are all at school but whatevs :3
Btw can u guys tell me who u r so I don't have any unknowns :P
Unknown: sure, -My names Kayden I was the wolf :3
Me: ok anyone else :)
No answers
Me: ok....bye kayden...btw I was the snow leapord :3
Kayden: ok good to know, byes!!!
Me: byez :3
Why wasn't anyone answering. Where was lily? So many thoughts where jumbling around in my head. Then I heard the most bloodcurdling scream I've ever heard in my life.

Is it just a game?-animal jam-Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя