Phantom war

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Hey guys! This is going to be a long chapter so get comfy🤓I ran to the courtyard where the scream came from.  I turned the corner, skidded to a stop, and what I saw was pure chaos. Kids were running everywhere, screaming. Black smoke circled the courtyard.I had never seen purple lighting before but that was what was sparking from cloud to cloud. Shapes darted around inside the puffs of smoke. Screaming. All I could hear was screaming. Wait, there was  something else. A noise so familiar but yet I couldn't place it. I ran through the smoke, trying to find Lily. I couldn't leave until I knew she was ok. "Lily?" I scream. No answer. A kid fell in front of me. The boy who I had ran into earlier. "Help..." He said  weakly. I reached down to grab his hands and help him up. I almost had him when a dark shape came out from behind and grabbed him. I knew that shape, I knew that was a phantom. I lunged for his hands but I was to slow. He was dragged away into the smoke. "Come back!" I screamed. I ran into the smoke. Even in the darkness of smoke I could make out the phantoms purple eye. "Hold on" I yelled. I lunged for the phantom grabbing its tentacles. I had to get it to let go. I gripped one of its arms and pulled myself up near the eye. The only weak spot on a phantom was its eye. I knew what I had to do. I punched the phantoms eye. It screeched and let go of the boy. I ran away as fast as I could. I had done my job he was on his own now. I had to find Lily. I ran through the smoke trying to make out the silhouette of her.  I heard her scream. I followed it. Lily was backed into a corner with 2 other kids. One boy and one girl. They all had matching rope burns identical to the ones on my wrist. They were all from the dream. 3 phantoms were backing them into the wall. I tried the same thing I did with the other phantom. I jumped onto the middle ones back but this time it backfired on me. The one on the left pulled me off with its ice cold tentacles. My head rammed into the concrete. Instead of being hurt I was angry. I had never felt this angry before. I stood up. I felt warm liquid dripping on my shoulder. My ear had ripped back open. This made my anger stronger. A sensation started in my chest. It felt like my body was freezing from within. Before I knew it it had spread throughout my entire body. There was a flash of light and I closed my eyes. When I opened them I felt different. The girl gasped and lily and the boy were staring at me in shock. The anger however wasn't gone. I only felt angrier and more powerful. I sprang onto the phantom pushing it to the ground. I pushed off of it and leapt to the next one. This one I easily kicked into a wall, and jumped off. The biggest phantom stood in front of me. I lunged at its eye, but it was ready. One of its tentacles blocked my hand...wait that wasn't my hand. It was a paw. I stood there in astonishment looking at my paw. But the phantom wasn't going to wait for me to fight again. It grabbed my paw and pulled me away. I struggled to get loose but it was no use. I'm going to die, I thought, I'm going to be killed by a character in my favorite game. I couldn't fight back. The anger I had felt earlier had disappeared and was replaced win despair. The invincible feeling I had used to fight the phantoms was gone. I could feel myself shifting back to my regular self. The grip the phantom had on me started to weaken. I turned around to see the boy that I had saved from the phantom earlier. He was fighting the phantom. He jumped onto the phantom and held on for dear life. He pulled a pocket knife out of his pocket and cut off the tentacle the was holding me. The phantom screeched in pain. I untangled myself from it and stood up to help fight but there was no need. The phantom was already on the ground. It withered up and turned to dust with a sickening scream. With that the smoke began to clear and the phantoms disappeared.  The courtyard looked as if nothing had ever happened.
"What the heck was that?!" I said in astonishment

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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