Im to tired to come up with a good name

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Btw sorry for any typos I'm a sloppy writer :3
"So how do you know it's real " I asked the Arctic wolf next to me. "Well my sister who also plays animal jam was telling me about these dreams that she had. A little bit after her I started having the dreams too." "That's what happened with me and blossom!", I interrupted. "Who" he asked. "Nvm I'll tell you later" I replied wanting to hear what he had to say. "Anyways one night I woke up in crystal sands and I saw my sisters animal standing there. I ran up to her and we talked and when we woke up in the morning we both remembered it." "That's pretty cool" I siad. "Yeah I know! I thought it was cool to until one morning my sister didn't wake up."he hesitated, " she was stuck in the game. She couldn't wake up. I told my parents but they didnt believe me and rushed her to the hospital. That night I met up with her in the game and she was different. She changed. We still continued to meet up at night when I went to sleep. Each time she got more and more distant. About two nights ago she didn't meet up with me, she was gone." "That's terrible!", i said. "I know...the longer she's in the game the worse she gets in the hospital. She's becoming really sick." He looked at the floor. "It's ok you'll find her." I siad trying to be encouraging. Before he could respond a voice boomed "Wake up!" This quickly woke up the other kids. " Oh sorry did I wake you up?" The voice cooed sarcastically. "Um yeah you kinda did..." Siad Lily. "Silence!" The voice said outraged. "Do you know why your here?"the voice questioned. "Uh no..." The fox next to Lily siad quietly. "Well let me tell you, you are 5 of the 6." "Wow so clear", the Arctic fox muttered. "Your the only ones who can stand in my I have to kill you." The door to the room swung open revealing 2 animals. A wolf and a Arctic Fox, they looked so familiar! Where had I seen them before.The Arctic wolf next to me gasped. Before I could ask what it was about the voice rang out. "I have a few helpers to get the job done.." Great I thought I'm going to die in my favorite game, just great. The wolf snarled and charged at me, "come on" I muttered.
I ducked just in time. The wolf jumped over me, landing perfectly. Even through all the thoughts jumbling around in my mind something was still nagging me. Where did I know this wolf from. That when it him me. I gasped. How could I not realize who it was. It was the one and only

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