Chapter 1

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      A regular day in the city of Paris, Ladybug and Chat Noir just saved another citizen from an akuma

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      A regular day in the city of Paris, Ladybug and Chat Noir just saved another citizen from an akuma. "Well we did a good job ma'lady." Chat Noir said as he took Ladybug's hand and kissed but she quickly pulled away when she heard her earring beep. "Sorry Chat Noir i have to go, and so do you." She said as his ring beeped. She quickly took out her yoyo and went home. She jumped through her window and made it just in time too. Her door swung open and and Alya came rushing in, "Oh my God, Marinette look! I got a good video of Ladybug's action!" She said as she showed Marinette the video. "Wow Alya thats so cool, howd you get that close?" Marinette asked. "I ran on top of a roof." She smiled and so did Marinette. "What were you doing this whole time?" Alya asked. "Oh nothing, i was just looking at picture of Adrien." She said as she pulled out her new magazine. "Youre hopeless Marinette." Alya laughed and so did Marinette. "Well while you obsess over Ladybug, ill obsess over the love of my life." Marinette smiled as she opened her magazine. Alya rolled her eyes, "When are you going to tell him how you feel?" Alya asked. Marinette shot up off her bed, "I cant! What if he rejects me! He'll never want to talk to me again, he'll think im weird, then ill be forever alone then ill go into a deep depression never leaving my house not going to school not sitting behind Adrien!" Marinette said then falling onto her knees covering her eyes. "Wow, you really have issues girl." Alya smiled and Marinette just looked up at her, "Youre telling me, one mistake and i can mess up everything." She said sitting back on her bed.

     "Im going to do it Plagg! Im going to tell Ladybug how i feel!" Adrien said proudly. Plagg sat on the bed bored, "Havnt you done that already?" Plagg asked. Adrien looked out the window, "Yea but i never really took the time to tell her much she means to me, maybe shell take me serious." Adrien said still not turning away from the window. Plagg didnt say anything after that he was eating cheese. "Now how do i tell her? I can just say it or i can set up something in the park or something." Adrien said pacing his room trying to figure it out. He sat on his bed and sighed putting his head in his hand, "Ill just say it." He decided.

     The next day came and Ladybug and Chat Noir had saved yet again another citizen. Chat was a bit nervous, he walked up to Ladybug his hand shaking a bit,"Hey Ladybug." He said. She turned but right when she looked at him her earrings beeped saying she only had a minute left, "Sorry Chat, i have to go." She pulled out her yoyo and was about to throw it but Chat Noir held her arm, "Meet me in the park tonight at 10." He let her go and ran off before his time ran out too. She was bit confused but its not like she just wouldnt show up. She swung her yoyo and made it in an alley by her house. Tikki flew out and Marinette caught her in both her hands, "How did it go Marinette?" Tikki asked. "Good, but after Chat told me to meet him in the park at 10, im not sure why." Marinette said. "Im sure its nothing bad Marinette." Tikki said reassure her. Marinette nodded, Tikki flew in her jacket and Marinette walked home. She quietly went inside without her parents noticing because the last time they saw her she was up in her room doing homework that she now has to finish. 

       Adrien sat in room, he couldnt stop starring at the time, he watch as every minute went by. He couldnt take the waiting any longer, he wants 10 to come already he didnt like being nervous. He wanted to get over with already, he wanted to know what she says. Its was only 8:30 and it felt like it had been forever and yet he still had to wait another hour and half, he couldnt take it. He looked over at Plagg who was taking a nap on Adrien's pillow. He rolled his eyes then went back to starring at the clock just waiting for the time to come. To tell the love of his life how he feels. He stood up again and started pacing again, he couldnt sit still anymore the more he waited the more nervous he got. 

     Finally it was 9:40, "Plagg!" Adrien screamed. Plagg shot up from his sleep quickly looking around. "What!" He yelled at Adrien who was smiling like a little kid, "Lets go!" He said. Plagg sighed missing the warmth of the bed. "Plagg, claws out!" He said and transformed into Chat Noir. He jumped out the window and headed to the park wasting no time. Once he got there he looked around to see if she was there yet but there was noting but the sound of the wind. He looked around and walked over to pick a pink rose from a bush. He held it in his hand and waited for her to come. Thats when he saw her, her blue eyes shinning in the night, her hair flowing from the wind, she walked over to him, "Hey Chat, whats up?" She asked. He handed her the flower, she slowly took it then looked up back at Chat Noir with a confused look. "Ladybug, working with you everyday has been amazing, i love being with you. Thats my favorite part of the day, me getting to see you. Ive never met anyone like you your one of a kind and im glad your my partner, i couldnt wish for a better one. Ladybug what im trying to say is that i-i love you." He said smiling at her. Her eyes were wide, she knew he liked her but she didnt think he was in love with her. She looked down at the flower. She looked back up at Chat Noir with sorrow in her eyes, "Chat, its sweet that you said that but i-i dont feel the same. I love spending time with you and i couldnt ask for a better partner but i dont love you, im in love with somebody else im- im really sorry Chat Noir." She said. She felt terrible as she saw the pain in his eyes, she didnt know what to say. "Ok, thanks for coming." He said then turned around and started walking away. "Chat, Wait!" She yelled but he kept going not even looking back.

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