Chapter 8

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     Chat jumped onto the other building, "You cant run from me ma'lady, its impawsible

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     Chat jumped onto the other building, "You cant run from me ma'lady, its impawsible." Chat said walking towards Ladybug. She tried to run and jump onto another building but Chat was quicker then her and knocked her down right by the edge. She looked down then panicked at the height. She quickly jumped on her feet but Chat was right there keeping her on the edge. "No where else to run Ladybug, agree to be mine and i might spare your friend." He smiled. Ladybug thought and a smile also crossed her face. "Youre right, there is no where else to run, but there is one place to fall." With that she took a step back dropping herself from the roof. She quickly took her yoyo wrapping it to a light hanging by one of the top windows. She swung herself back onto the roof where Chat Noir was furious. "Why cant you just be mine?!" He yelled as he ran towards her with his staff ready to swing. He slid on his knees trying to hit her knee caps but she quickly jumped over him. "I dont love you Chat Noir, im sorry." She said pain filling her expression. Chat stood looking down, "Fine." He let out, then slowly looking at her, "If you wont be with me, then ill make sure youre not with anyone."

    Ladybug eyes widened, "Chat?" She asked in a whispered trying figure out his words or if she even heard them right. He went straight for her then he swung his staff as hard as he could for her head but she ducked it just in time. As she stood up straight again Chat was already looking her way and tried to swing his staff at her head again but she jumped backwards. "Chat stop! Think of what youre doing!" She yelled dodging all of his swings. "Oh Ladybug, i am." He said then kicked her in the stomach then swung his staff making her fall laying flat on the ground. He held his staff in front of her face holding it very close, "Chat please." She begged looking into his eyes, they were cold and hard showing no emotion at all. "Dont beg, i gave you the choice and you choose the wrong answer." He said. He lifted his arms ready to swing as hard as he could, Ladybug quickly took her yoyo tie it around his legs then pulling making him crash on the ground. She stood up taking her yoyo and threw up in the air, "Lucky Char-" Chat hit her hand with his staff making her yoyo fall out of her hand. She ran to get it but Chat was closer, he kicked it off the building, "NO!" Ladybug screamed as she watched her yoyo fall to the ground. "Whats your plan now Littlebug?" He asked taking steps closer to her. Fear was in her eyes as she was trying to think of a plan. 

       "Chat, please i know this isnt you. Stop and think of what youre doing please." She begged. She started walking backwards as he held his staff towards her neck. "Chat Noir, dont do this. I know you'll regret it once you come back to your senses." She said tears filling her eyes. " Tell me his name and ill let you live." Chat said as Ladybug stood at the edge of the building. She looked down seeing the empty streets, she looked back at Chat who was staring at her waiting for an answer. "Chat ple-""A name Ladybug." He cut her off placing the staff at her chest gently just to show her he was serious. " Chat let me go please, this isnt you, you would never do this." He pushed it a little harder, "His name." He said through closed teeth. "Chat! Stop! Please, dont be the villain, be the Chat Noir i know, be the hero i know please dont give into him." Ladybug said trying to hold herself up on her feet. He pushed harder making her lose her balance a bit, "One last time Ladybug, whats his name?" He said giving her a death stare. "What would it matter if im dead?!" She yelled. His grip on the staff got tighter until he relaxed letting it go a bit, "So i know who should pay for taking my love." He smiled. Ladybug was so scared she didnt know what to do, she didnt want Adrien to get hurt that was the last thing she wanted. "If you dont tell me his name then ill let you fall and ill get rid of every single boy in this city! Ill get rid of everyone in this city!" He screamed. She didnt have a choice, and for all she knows he could already be gone. She stared at him as he pressed his staff harder, maybe once she tells him she can stop before he even finds Adrien. She felt her feet slipping more, "Name, now." He demanded as he kept pushing. "Adrien Agreste." She said. Chat's eyes widen, shes in love with him, the hawk moth wings appeared but Chat Noir wasnt listen, he couldnt. He didnt realize he didnt stop pushing either, "CHAT!!!" She screamed as her feet fully slipped from the building edge. She grabbed onto his staff but he wasnt holding onto it that tight, she fell with the staff. "NOOO!!" He screamed.

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