Chapter 5

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    Ladybug jumped out her window and went straight to where she saw the cat

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    Ladybug jumped out her window and went straight to where she saw the cat. She got there and she saw the white cat, he jumped behind a car where there was kids hiding, he touched the two boys as the girls ran. The boys screamed as the started fading away. Chat smiled, he was about to jump onto the roof before Ladybug threw her yoyo catching his arm. "Hello Kitty." She smiled. He did too, he started walking to her unwrapping her yoyo from his arm, "Hello there Bug-a-boo." He said as he approached her. She looked at him with a confused expression , why wasnt he fighting her? "We can be together later,but i first need to get your miraculous." He said as he started reaching for her earrings but she quickly jumped back getting ready to fight. "Oh come on Ladybug, dont make me fight you." Chat wined. "You will never get my Miraculous!" Ladybug smiled at the cat. "If you dont give it, then we wont be able to be together." He said getting angry. "Sorry Kitty but im not interested." She said still smirking. "Oh you'll change your mind." He ran into a building pulling out a kid from their school. He held him up not letting him touch the floor, "Once the guy you love is gone." His other hand started glowing, he touched the kid then dropped him onto the floor. He got up and started running before he slowly vanished. Ladybug's eyes were wide. "So Ladybug, you can stop this if you agree to be mine." He said smirking. She looked at him trying to figure out where the akuma could be. Maybe his bell? No, thats apart of the suit. It must be in his pocket. "Youre right, your way better then any guy ive met." She said smiling and walked slowly up to him putting away her yoyo. "Ahh, seems like you came to your senses ma'lady." He said taking her hand. 

    The second she noticed he wasnt paying attention she pulled away trying to feel his pockets, they were empty. Wheres the akuma?? "Oh you little bug!" He said trying to throw a punch but she ducked under it. "You dont love me!" He yelled trying to kick her but she jumped backwards. She pulled out her yoyo, she threw it at him but he blocked it using his staff. He swung it at her but she quickly jumped over it. She looked around trying to spot Chat Noir but there was no sign of him. "Where is that cat?" She whispered. The white cat stopped and smiled at her, she looked at him trying to figure him out. "Are you really looking for Chat Noir?" He laughed. She was about to throw her yoyo. "What did you do to him?" She asked angry. He really started laughing, "Oh bug-a-boo, i didnt do anything to him." He said smiling. She threw her yoyo trying to tie it around him but instead he put his staff out and she grabbed that. She pulled it to her and once he reached her he jumped over to and tried to grab her miraculous. She quickly turned around around grabbing his wrist, he tried to punch her using the the other arm. She let go jumping backwards. "Why cant you just be with me?!" He yelled trying to swinging his staff at her to knock her off her feet but she jumped over it again. "I will never be with you!" She said trying to throw her yoyo. She needs to find the akuma and fast. "You never loved me." He tried blocking her yoyo as he got closer to her, "Ive been there for you since the beginning!" He tired to hit her in the face but she quickly moved, "I was the one who helped you believe you could be the hero i knew you were!" She jumped back and he tried to kick her but she moved," Yet after everything ive done for you, you go and fall in love with someone else!" He yelled. She jumped back her eyes wide, "Chat Noir?!" She asked with a scared expression. "Wasnt that a purrfect guess." He smiled. "Oh no." She whispered walking backwards as he came forwards. "Whats wrong ma'lady? Scared?" He smiled.

     So maybe the akuma is in his bell. She looked around trying to figure out her next move. She looked at the pole, she threw her yoyo and went swinging. He jumped onto a window seal following her. She jumped onto a building. she needed time to think but she couldnt if he was following her. She didnt want to fight him, how did this even happen. Did she really hurt him that bad? She felt awful, this was all her fault Chat was so heart broken that, he caused an akuma. "You cant run away from me Ladybug!" He screamed behind her. She really needed a plan.

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