Chapter 11

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    Alya using the yoyo and Chat using his staff they both went straight for Mairnette's house

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    Alya using the yoyo and Chat using his staff they both went straight for Mairnette's house. Alya being faster then Chat made it before him jumping through the the window. Marinette turned her head quickly as she was standing by her desk, her eyes were huge looking at Alya, "Alya?" Marinette asked in shock. "MARINETTE!" Alya screamed as she ran hugging her alive best friend as tight as she possible could. When she pulled away Marinette wiped away her tears and Alya smiled. Chat was next through the window, Marinette looked at him, she saved Chat, he was back to normal, she did it. Chat looked into her blue eyes, those amazing blue bell eyes. "Chat." Marinette smiled. Then realizing he knew who she was her eyes grew as she jumped, "You guys know my secret!" She yelled realizing Alya knew too. 

     Alya laughed and just hugged Marinette. "Dont worry, i promise ill never tell anyone." Alya said trying to reassure Marinette. Marinette looked at Alya then at Chat Noir, she wasnt sure what had happened. "So can one of you explain to me what happened?" Marinette asked. Chat scratched his head nervously. "Im so sorry ma'lady, i-i pushed you off the building and i-i killed you." Chats eyes had started watering, and a tear slid down his cheek. "I didnt know what i was doing and i-i am so sorry Marinette." He was fully crying at that point. He ran over to Marinette throwing his arms around her and crying. "Im so so sorry." Alya took a step back and watched as Marinette hugged Chat back. 

      "Its ok Chat, i know you would never do that to me on purpose. Besides, it seems like you and Alya manged to fix things." Chat looked at Marinette and smiled. "I love you Marinette." He said. Marinette's eyes widen and her face got red, but before she could say anything Chat took a step back. "Its only fair you know who i am now." Chat said smiling. "What? No Chat wait!" But he didnt listen and Adrien was standing there looking at Marinette. Her eyes were huge and her face was redder than ever. Alya laughed watching Marinette freak out. "You-youre-youre Chat Noir!!?!?" Marinette said in full panic. Adrien scratch the back of his head, "Not how i pictured you would react." He laughed. 

    "I know, she looks completely crazy." Plagg said sitting on Adrien's shoulder. "I cant believe youre Chat Noir, I cant believe, everyday ive rejected you!" Marinette said realizing all the times hes kissed her hand and flirted with her. Then the memory of her kissing him came back to mind, she stared at him, he doesnt even know about that. Marinette's heart was racing faster than her thoughts. Adrien walked up to her placing his hands on her shoulders, "Thats all in the past, the only thing that matters, is if you decide to reject me now." He moved in kissing Marinette. Her heart went even faster and she kissed him back.

   As they pulled apart Alya smiled, "I have never seen your face that red girl." Marinette scratched her head and smiled. Alya took off the earrings and the suit vanished. She handed them back to Marinette, "These belong to you." She said smiling. Marinette put them back and Tikki flew right in front of Marinette. "Marinette!" She yelled excited and flew and hugged Marinette's cheek. "Im so happy youre ok." Tikki said with a sigh of relief. "Me too." Adrien said. "Me three" Alya responded. "Do you have any cheese?" Plagg said looking around the room. Adrien glared at him but Marinette laughed.

      "So now what?" Marinette asked looking at her two favorite people. "I wont tell anyone your guys's secret." Alya promised. Adrien held Marinettes hand and intertwined their fingers. "Marinette, would you be my girlfriend?" Adrien asked smiling. Marinette nodded happily. " I cant wait to see Chloe's face when you guys go to school tomorrow holding hands."  Alya smiled. "Do you guys want to go hang out at the park?" Marinetter asked. They both nodded and walked down stairs. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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