Chapter 7

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     Ladybug had fear written on her face, it didnt break that wasnt the akuma

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     Ladybug had fear written on her face, it didnt break that wasnt the akuma. Chat laughed shaking his head, "You need to stop." He said. Ladybug tried to jump away but he grabbed her arm before she could make a move. "No you dont Ladybug, you cant fly away from me." He said. She tried to pull away but he had a strong grip. She threw a punch with her other arm, he grabbed her fist. She pulled back then with one leg kicked him in the gut. He let go and let out a gasp as he held his stomach. She swung her yoyo to another building and started to think of a plan. Chat quickly ran to get his staff then jumped onto the building Ladybug was on. The stood about 10 ft away from one another. Chat was smiling looking down onto the city, they were high up. "Chat, stop please." Ladybug begged. He just laughed still looking at the city, "I saved this place almost everyday, ive saved it with you by my side. We risk our lives saving this place, i love it because i get to spend time with you but you, you probably love impressing the boy you picked over me." He was angry again, but there was also pain in his eyes. Ladybug saw how much he was hurting, "Chat, i love you, youre my best friend but i dont love you the way you love me and im sorry but i cant change it." Ladybug started walking closer, "I cant stop my emotions for someone else no matter how hard i try. This isnt you, this isnt the Chat Noir i met that day getting tied to upside down. This isnt the Chat Noir i laugh with, this isnt the Chat Noir i risk my life with, this isnt the Chat Noir i love, my best friend." 

     She was right in front of him and he was staring into her eyes. Tears were filling his eyes, she was right. She placed her hand on his cheek looking deep into his eyes, "Please, fight it." She whispered. The hawk moth wings appeared on his face and Ladybug took a step back, "Dont listen to her! She rejected you, after all you two have done after all youve done! Get her miraculous and she'll be powerless against you and she'll be forced to give you his name!" Hawk Moth yelled into Chat's thoughts. "Dont listen Chat! Whatever his telling you dont listen!" Ladybug yelled but the hawk moth wings vanished and an angry Chat stood there staring at Ladybug. He charged at her trying to get her earrings but she jumped over him. He spun around fast and swung his staff at her that hit her in the side. She fell onto the floor looking up at Chat, he held his staff against her chest, "Give me his name." He spoke. "Chat please." She begged. He went for her earrings. She kicked up hitting him IN the gut making him step backing holding his stomach. 

       She stood up in a second, "Chat i dont want to fight you please." She said her voice and eyes pleading. "And i want his name!" Chat said as he tried swinging his staff at her again. She jumped over again but as she stood up again he swung knocking her back onto the floor. He reached for her earrings again but she grabbed his wrist then quickly twisted his arm standing up and putting it behind his back. He screamed in pain, "Chat please." She begged again. With the other arm he used his staff and knocked her down once more at the feet. He tried to hit her on the ground but she kept rolling away from the staff, "Youre really bugging me." He said as she stood. He tried to hit her again but she jumped over it. He jumped up and tried to smack down onto her but she quickly jumped back. He landed making a loud noise as his staff hit the roof, Ladybug's eyes grew as she saw how hard he was planning to hit her. "Whats wrong ma'lady? Scared of a cat?" He smiled. Ladybug pulled out her yoyo and swung to the next building which was higher just trying to get away. 

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