Tunnels, Scars, & Prison Bars

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Previously on the Edge:
Gobber has started war preparations back on Berk. Meanwhile, the Dragon Riders are still in prison, and Dagur has teamed up with Trader Johann and Chicken to save the world from Viggo Grimborne.

Trader Johann's POV:

I asked Dagur to wait for a moment as I entered my room and rummaged through my belongings. I finally located the map Hiccup had traded for a compass.

That reminded me of the time I got lost in Breakneck Bog. Snotlout and the twins saved me, only to leave me on a rock in the middle of the ocean. I was terribly afraid, and...

"JOHANN! How long are you going to take!?" Dagur shrieked, interrupting my train of thought.

"Not a moment longer!" I responded while scurrying back to the deck where I left Dagur. I knelt and spread the map out on my cedar deck. "Hiccup gave me this map. On it are the locations of all known dragon species. According to it, your Skrill is most likely around Wreck Reef."

"Then what are you waiting for, little man? Let's find my glorious Skrill!"

"Of course, Master Dagur." I'm not fond of being called 'little man,' but I wasn't about to mention that to Dagur the Deranged, Cracker of Skulls, Slayer of Beasts, et cetera...

Confused but determined, I set sail towards Wreck Reef, the setting sun to my left and a dangerous madman on my right.

Tuffnut's POV:

"Okay guys, I'm serious. I'm going to dig out of the boat with this mug, anyone with me?"

"Why don't you quiet down and let us get some sleep?" Stoick demanded. Everyone else vocalized their agreement.

"Suit yourselves," I casually stated. I'd been secretly sharpening this mug with my dragon tooth necklace, and it was finally ready.

Once darkness fell completely, I screwed off one of the horns on my helmet and fished out a vial of changewing acid I kept just in case of such emergencies.

I coated the lip of my copper-coated mug with the acid, and dug through the wood like a hot dagger through yak butter. Soon I had a hole in the side big enough to squeeze through. I leapt out the side of the boat, and quickly remembered that I was in the middle of the sea with no islands nearby.

"Huh," I mumbled, "That was badly planned." With nothing else to do, I swam to the back of the boat, climbed it, and hoisted myself into the mainsail. Exhausted, I laid down in a fold of the sail and fell asleep in my makeshift hammock.

Gobber's POV

The rest of the village fell asleep. Not me. I stayed up for the past three hours forging weapons and clearing the underground tunnels- without the help of Grump, because, as usual, he was asleep.

My attempts to train more dragon riders weren't exactly succeeding. I don't seem to have the same knack for that sort of thing as Hiccup or Astrid. The closest I got to success was Phlegma, who was nearly roasted alive while trying to wrangle a Nadder. If my suspicion was right, and the riders had been captured, Berk's only hope may be escape through our tunnel system. Odin help us if it comes to that.

Tuffnut's POV:

I woke up at 3:00 am, as usual, and realized that my sleuthing skills might come in handy. I slid down the mast, grabbed a keychain from a sleeping guard, and snuck into the captain's quarters.

Ryker was snoring impossibly loudly, so I assumed he was sound asleep and spent half an hour looking through his plans to attack Berk with Viggo's mercenary army. As I walked back towards the door, I stepped on a creaky board. Ryker immediately woke up, saw me, yelled something to his guards, and chased me.

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