Johann Falls Off A Cliff

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Previously, on the Edge:
-Johann, Chicken and Dagur found the Skrill, which Chicken helped Dagur train. Back at the prison boat, Tuffnut escaped and did some spying, but was quickly recaptured. And on Berk, Gobber is making slow progress towards war preparation.

Snotlout's POV:

The stupid dragon hunters chained us up inside the prison cell, to prevent us from escaping. Just great- now how am I supposed to work out?

"This is ALL your fault!!!" yelled Ruffnut across the cell to her heavily-chained brother.

"I have to agree with Ruffnut. If you didn't escape we wouldn't be chained up," Hiccup chimed in.

"What I want to know is, why didn't you get us ALL out instead of escaping alone like a complete MORON!!!" I rage.

Tuffnut replied, "Well first off, I kinda asked you guys if you wanted to dig out of the boat with me forty-seven times over the past few weeks, and you guys always said no, so there's that. Secondly, at least I did something other than sit around. And last but not least... uhh... I forgot what I was going to say but my point still stands."

Urgghhhhhhhhhh I hate it when he's right. "Shut up Tuffnut," I mumble sorely.

"If there's anyone to blame, it's Heather. If it weren't for her-"

Tuffnut's comment was cut short by a loud crash and a typical Tuffnut "OHHHHHH I'M HURT, I AM VERY MUCH HURT!"

Heather stepped in front of the prison. "Watch what you say about me, Tuffnut. Next time, I'm throwing my axe."

"Heather PLEASEEEEE let us out!" Fishlegs begged for the trillionth time.

"Shut UP already, she's not gonna help us!" I growled.

Tuffnut added, "Have you forgotten she's the main reason Dagur was killed? She's a nasty, evil- YEEEAAAAOOOOOOOWWWWWW!" Keeping her promises for once, Heather had thrown her axe at Tuffnut for insulting her again.

"Good news guys, I'm 73% sure I'm not dead," Tuff reassured us.

Stoick broke his silence. "Heather, why don't you stop hurting my villagers and show some respect?"

"After all, doesn't Viggo want us alive?" Astrid demanded.

"Not necessarily, and honestly I don't think he'll care if I kill the idiot twins here."

"Hey!" Ruffnut protested.

"Unless you want to end up like your brother, I don't recommend saying another word," warned my new least favorite Viking.

""It'sh totally worth it," slurred Tuffnut through blood and an axe handle that was lodged in his mouth.

"Shut up," Heather admonished as she yanked the axe back out of his mouth. "If any of you causes trouble, you know what to expect," she said while motioning towards a bruised and crumpled-up Tuffnut.

"Just you wait, missy," he mumbled, "Chicken is gonna save us all!!!" I sighed, and Heather angrily walked off.

Bored of sitting in the stupid cell, I took a nap to the sound of Gustav and my dad debating whether Nightmares or Nadders are better.

Dagur's POV:

"So you're saying they're most likely headed there?"

"Why yes, that's the idea." Good. Johann had just bored me to death with a stupid story, while simultaneously explaining where the Riders were most likely headed.

"And that means if they're headed there, coming from Berk, and have been travelling for several weeks, they should be right around... There! Thanks Johann!"

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