Tides of Destruction

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Previously on the Edge:
-Ruffnut and Snotlout took the unconscious Riders to the Thorston-owned paradise of Nutland. They spent a day nursing them back to health, with the help of Death Killer's lightning and some changewing acid. Back on Berk, a worried Stoick took watch duty and spied an incoming fleet of Dragon Hunters.


"Come on, gang," Hiccup urged as his newly-recovered riders flew towards Berk. "We have to get back as soon as possible- Viggo could raid at any time!"

His charade of authority belied his true inner pain- caused mostly by being forcefed changewing acid earlier.

Snotlout rolled his eyes. "We know, Hiccup. You've told us that at least five times already."

Hiccup sighed, exasperated with his friends' lack of cooperation. He knew he had probably been overworking them, what with flying all yesterday and into the night. It just wasn't good enough, though. The entire archipelago was at risk.

Overwhelmed, he leaned back and laid stretched out on Toothless' back, letting the salty ocean air whip his choppy hair every which way. Toothless turned his head and gurgled sympathetically to Hiccup.

"Thanks, bud," the peg-legged teen sighed while patting his dragon. "Just a little while longer."


Stoick set down the spyglass and ran down the wet stone steps of the watchtower. He charged through the spitting rain towards the village's giant warning horn. Finally the massive man reached his destination. He inhaled sharply, set his lips to the horn, and blew with all his might.

A deep, ominous blast emanated from the end of the horn, breaking the peaceful quietude of the rainfall. Vikings from all over the island awoke abruptly, grabbed their weapons, and groggily ran outside.

Gobber and Spitelout ran to Stoick, who had just finished blowing the horn.

"Are they here?" demanded Spitlout.

Stoick gravely confirmed, "Indeed."

Gobber asked, "I suppose it's time to set the plan in action, then?"

Stoick nodded affirmatively. The three men ran their separate ways in preparation for war.


Savage was awoken from his light slumber by the distant sound of a horn. He leapt out of his bunk and headed above decks to see the Berserker army already preparing for battle. Right, he recalled, they don't sleep. He called in a hoarse, loud whisper, "You remember the plan, don't you?"

Hundreds of nods and a murmur of agreement told him what he needed to know.

He twisted his sword in his calloused hand, ready to lead the berserkers into battle as soon as the Dragon Rider ships came within a few dozen yards from the sea stacks that hid Dagur's armada.

In reality Savage was quite nervous. He wasn't used to leading troops; Dagur typically did that, and set a remarkably high standard. He held his fist in the air, knowing that when he let it down, the Berserker fleet would fly into action. The enemy ships aproached slowly. Just another few feet...

He quickly dropped his fist, and his men immediately set to work. They hauled in their anchors, letting the growing wind propel the boats out from behind the sea stacks. Amidst yelling, his men lit several ballista's bolts on fire and released a volley of massive burning arrows towards the Hunter fleet.

Shouts of surprise met Savage as the enemy boats realized they were being ambushed. The hunters quickly recovered, however; in several seconds, they sent their own salvo of arrows towards the the Berserker armada. Nobody was hurt, luckily enough.

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