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Previously, on the Edge:
- The Riders strategically invaded the Isle of Deception, destroying key buildings. However, before they could leave, Heather's adoptive parents shot Dagur with a lethal poison arrow. Astrid, Tuffnut, and Hiccup we're struck by non-fatal, coma-inducing arrows. Before the Deceiver leaders could finish them off, the dragons pulled their riders from danger.


"GET US OUTTA HERE!" Snotlout shrieked. Hookfang hurtled through the foul air, over the shipyard, and away from Deceiver Island.

Ruffnut, similarly scared, retained a bit more sense. As she led the other dragons and their injured riders away from atop Barf & Belch, she yelled, "THAT'S THE WRONG WAY, SNOTLOUT!!!"

The Viking heard from afar, patted his dragon, and changed direction to coincide with Ruffnut's path.

They reunited about a mile away from the island. "What in Midgard are we supposed to do!" Snotlout moaned. "Everyone's been shot, Fishlegs passed out, and we're doomed!"

Ruffnut snapped, "Keep it together, Snotlout!" The brawny viking regained his composure as Ruff continued, "Whatever we do, it has to involve getting back to Berk and not letting these guys die!"

Snotlout nodded in agreement. "I guess we should probably find an island?"

"I like your thinking. I know a place where we can avoid Viggo's guards!"

Confused, Snotlout replied, "How?"

Ruffnut crossed her arms. "Tuff and I go there on vacation all the time."

"Wait, you guys go on vacation?"

Ruffnut grinned. "Remember those scare-ship mannequins we made? We just leave them around the Edge so you guys think we're still there."


That silenced Snotlout- he couldn't imagined how he had never noticed the twins' absence.

Ruffnut guided him on in silence until they reached their destination.

It was a mid-sized island. Majestic, snow-capped mountains seemed to cover its entirety, with those in the center particularly tall. Docked on the far northeast corner was a Dragon Hunter ship, as expected.

Ruffnut broke her silence. "Tuff and I call it Nutland. It was claimed by Magmar Thorston, so I guess we actually own it."

Snotlout angrily pointed out, "The whole place is just a bunch of mountains! We can't land here- unless you plan on pitching camp on a snowy mountain top!"

She nonchalantly reassured him, "As I said, I own the place. I know where we can make camp, and I guarantee the Hunters won't find us." She urged Barf on to the familiar location, and Snotlout brought up the rear, making sure the other dragons followed her.

They flew over several mountains until they reached a particularly massive one. As they crossed over its summit, lush green took over the landscape.

Hidden in the middle of the ring of mountains lay a vibrant valley, covered in deciduous trees, teaberry bushes, and soft grass. A waterfall cascaded down the shortest of the massive peaks, feeding a calm, royal blue lake.

Snotlout gaped in awe. "How is this even possible?"

"Tuffnut suggested that it's a crater from a dormant volcano that used to be in the middle of the island. As for the climate, I'm guessing the mountains shield it from cold fronts but drain moisture in through the few valleys.

"And you say you own this place?"

"Co-own, to be exact."

The black-haired Viking snapped back to reality. "We have dying friends here! Where's the best spot to land?"

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