You're safe in my arms

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Y/N's POV:

Sometimes I think I would be better not knowing about the supernatural. Maybe then I wouldn't be hiding in a flat that wasn't even mine. Running from literally everything cause apart from Stiles, I'm the only human and slightly always helpless. Derek wasn't home and I'm sure he wouldn't be for awhile. I needed to get out of here as fast as I could, but I felt safe here even though it was the target for many brawls. I sit with my back against the wall, staring out through the window, trying to gather my thoughts.

I close my eyes as I feel my throat start to close up and my eyes begin to water. I hold my head between my knees and try to calm my breathing, but it only seem to make things worse. I try holding my breath like Lydia had told me and I once again fail. I grip my hair now and try counting to ten. 

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. 

Nothing is working, I try racking through my brain for another solution when I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me. "Y/N, breathe, listen to my voice. Focus on my breathing." Derek says calmly, pulling me onto his lap and pressing me against his chest. 

I shutter and take a ragged, deep breath, trying to collect my surroundings. I look up slowly, tears falling down my face as I see a blurry image of Derek above me. "Your'e safe Y/N. You're safe in my arms. If you ever have any trouble, you come to me." 

I close my eyes again and let out a few short breaths before calming down. I can't help but hug him as I silently cry. I hide my face in the crook of his neck while he runs his hands through my hair, whispering soothing words to me as I slowly drift to sleep.

A/N: I'm gonna keep these short and sweet, but if you guys want them longer, I'll start doing them longer, or if you guys want more smut ;) just let me know! 

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