Sticky Situations

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I can't fathom the anger coursing through my veins right about now. I dig my claws into my palm, trying to keep myself calm. Control is so overrated, I'm always angry and I can't help that. Derek and Scott can shove their "control" right up their asses for all I care. I shake my head as I stare in the mirror and the yellow glow to my eyes goes away. 

"Y/N? Are you in there?" Lydia asks, knocking softy on the door. 

"Yeah, I'm in here, I'm fine don't worry about it, just washing my hands." I reply and it wasn't a lie, I was fine now. I wipe my hands on my shorts and walk out of the bathroom. Me and Lydia were having a "girls day" and decided we needed ice cream. That's currently where we were until I got frustrated for no reason. 

We head back to our seats and I look at my medium sized bowl and smile at Lydia. "How much was this, I'll pay for my half," I ask her before taking a scoop of the heavenly product. 

"Don't worry about it! You deserve it after all this stressful stuff you're dealing with, Speaking of, how are things with you and Derek?" she asks, raising her eyebrows suggestively. I roll my eyes at the teen and shake my head. 

"It's okay, we had a slight argument over my control last night, we were going to, you know..." I say trailing off and her eyes widen. 

"For real! Oh my god, I bet he was a sourwolf and ruined the whole moment didn't he with his whole 'I wear leather so I'm badass' attitude, didn't  he! Oh that makes me want to scream!" She complains and leans back in her seat, I shake my head vigorously, 

"Please don't, for the love of god, spare my eardrums for a little bit," I say jokingly and grin at her. She chuckles and takes another bite of her ice cream. I have to admit though, sh was right. Derek was trying to take control of the situation and ruined the moment. Sometimes I want to take him by his hair a sho-

The bell on the door of the little shop rings, interrupting my violent thoughts. I get another spoonful into my mouth and start up more small talk with Lydia. A few minutes later, I feel something cold and sticky hit my thigh and I look up. 

None other than Derek Hale staring down at me with a shocked face. "I'm sorry Y/N. That was a complete accident," he  says and rakes his eyes down my body, I can't help but squirm in my seat a little. 

"Well you can help her clean it off since your such a klutz." Lydia says, grinning wickedly at me. I groan but stand up and motion for him to come with me. Once we are in the bathroom, I trun and cross my arms. 

"You know damn well you didn't just accidentally spill this on me," I state whilst staring at him, I grab paper towels and start to rub my shorts and thighs. 

"You're being harsh on your skin, let me help." Is the only thing he says, he picks me up slightly and puts me on the counter before slowly cleaning off my legs. I look down at him and I can't help but smile slightly. I grab his chin and bring his head up so that he is looking up at me. 

"I'm sorry for being a bitch last night," I say, looking into his eyes and placing my other hand on cheek. 

"I don't care, I deserved it, just do one thing for me and all is forgiven." I raise my eyebrows, waiting for an answer and he smirks. "Kiss me." 

I do exactly that, before we know we were in a stall finishing what we started last night. 

A/N: This a pretty long one and I hope whoever reads this enjoys it. It took me forever to think of something to write, but I finally thought of this idea while eating my tub of Edy's ice cream and watching Teen Wolf cause I'm lonely XD


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