Unexpected Love

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Of course Scott had to call a pack meeting as soon as I sat on the couch with a snack and the remote in hand. This better be fucking good,  I think to myself as I hop into my car and roughly ram the keys into the ignition. Once the car is running, I put my hair in a messy bun and fix my tank top, hiding my bra from sight.

"I was so not prepared to be seeing people," I groan and speed towards Scott's house, making it there in record time. I hop out of the car and walk into the house not even bothering to knock, I've been in here so many times I should have a spare key. 

"We don't know everything though! Why are you jumping to conclusions about him?" I hear Scott say and I walk into the living room, furrowing my eyebrows. 

"Who is him?" I ask, plopping down on one of the couches, unfortunately it was next to Derek, so I quickly roll my eyes and move seats. He smirks at me and I raise my middle finger up at him, but he has to one up me so he holds up both of his. I shine my fiery, yellow eyes at him and he backs off, I think we all know why. 

"Theo!" Stiles practically yells, "Who I still don't think is the same person as the 4th grade Scott!" Stiles exclaims pacing around to room and throwing a hand into his hair. 

"Why don't we all just calm down. This can be easily solved, we just have to play our cards right," I say calmly, leaning back in my seat. Derek raises his eyebrows and Scott and Stiles both turn to look at me. 

"And what do you mean by that Y/N?" Derek says in a challenging tone and Lydia smack his arm, telling him to 'knock it off'. 

"Have one of us get to know him, see if he really is the kid from fourth grade or some psychopath who knows a lot," I say shrugging and Malia looks at me, smiling and nodding her head. 

"I'll do it," she volunteers, she's volunteering because he's hot and she wants to get some. Too bad for her she has Stiles and she isn't getting away with hurting him. 

"No! No you're not! You will stay right next to me while this whole thing goes on," he says, pointing at her and telling her to 'Stay'. To that she replies with a growl and clenching her teeth together, Stiles raises both hands up and stands back where he was. 

"Well, I can do it. It's my plan after all, so just calm down and I will talk to him. Now I want to go home, thanks for letting me solve the problem, glad I could save your time. And I am off!" I say, already up and walking towards the door. 

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Theo smiles at me as we walk away from the animal clinic, he had stopped to pick me up after me and Derek got into, yet another, fight. There was a cut on my eyebrow, broken arm, and a bruise on my right cheek. They were already healing but I didn't want to have one of the guys drive me home. 

"Thanks. I was probably going to have a 'violence is not the answer' lecture from Scott if you hadn't come to pick me up. So, thanks for that." I say and Theo chuckles before wrapping an arm around my shoulder. 

"Anything for you Y/N." He says and he grabs my arm softly, turning me to look at him. "I really like you and I can't help but think that you are using me,"  he says and I look into his eyes. What do I say, Yeah, I'm using you to see whether or not you're a psychotic killer trying to fuck us up the ass!

He looks down at me, mumbling a 'fuck it' before slamming his lips onto mine. I'm stunned, but I respond quickly, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer to me. I feel my back hit the wall roughly and I let out a gasp and he pulls away smirking. I feel his lips begin to suck tenderly on my neck and I bit my lip. My eyes shut and I expect there to be more, but Theo's body is ripped away from mine. 

I look up to see Derek, holding him by his shirt and slamming him against the wall. "If you even think about touching her in any way ever again, I'll rip your throat out!" He roars and Theo nods, desperately trying to get free. Derek lets go and I look at him, glaring. 

"Why in the hell did you do that?!" I scream at him and point over at the fleeing boy. 

"Why in the hell did you do that!" He yells back at me and I scoff, crossing my arms across my chest. 

"My bad for kissing someone! I'll make sure not to do it again dad!" I say and roll my eyes at his mad look. 

"Stop that, I'm trying to protect you!" He yells and I just about doubled over in laughter. 

"You... Trying to... Protect me! Oh god that's too great! Cause that's why you broke my arm in there," I say smirking and he shakes his head. 

"You're clueless, aren't you?" he says and takes a step closer to me, I take a step back but realize that I am still against the wall. He gets right up to my face and places his hands next to my head. "I don't want to see you with other men when I'm the one who has loved you all along..." he says softly and I look up at him and smile. 

"I'm so fucking happy you finally said that," I say and place my lips on his, this time I was passionate and I knew exactly what I wanted. 

A/N: This one was a lot longer than the others! Let me know if I should start making these longer or if I should keep them short and sweet like the last few. I realized that I got about ten more reads and I am so happy! I only have like 20 something reads, but it still makes me happy that I have at least some readers out there! 

Thank you guys for reading these and let me know if I need to make some changes!

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