
482 5 13

Hey! Want to request?
Choose a prompt below! Comment your prompt number and character/s that you'd like.
Feel free to comment as many as you'd like.
You'll also notice some numbers are missing, and that's cause I didn't particularly like those prompts :1 sorry

1) "Stay the night. please"
2) "You know we're supposed to be together. i knew it the first time i saw you, and you knew it, too. i know you did"
3) "Those things you said yesterday, did you mean them?"
4) "I'm not going to apologize for this. not anymore"
5) "Thats almost exactly the opposite of what i meant"
6) "Marry me"
7) "Do you want me to leave?"
8) "You are not going without me"
9) "I can't believe you!"
10) "Are you still awake..?"
11) "Don't yell at me"
12) "Thats it. end of discussion"
13) "I swear it won't happen again"
14) "What did you say?"
15) "I'm not jealous"
16) "We can't keep doing this"
17) "Isn't this amazing?"
18) "I'm going to take care of you, okay?"
19) "You can't die. please don't die"
20) "Run away with me"
21) "You did WHAT?"
22) "Were you ever going to tell me?"
23) "Never in a million years"
24) "Don't ask me that..."
25) "W-what are you doing?"
26) "Say it!"
27) "I could kiss you right now!"
28) "What's going on here?"
29) "Stop pinning this on me! you started it!"
30) "Did you do this on purpose?!"
31) "Kiss me"
32) "This is all your fault!"
33) "I shouldn't be in love with you!"
34) "It's not fair!"
35) "I could kill you right now!"
36) "Knock it off!"
37) "Screw you!"
38) "You're an idiot!"
39) "Make me"
40) "Don't tempt me"
41) "I hate you"
42) "You are infuriating!"
43) "Just shut up"
44) "That doesn't even make sense"
45) "Bite me"
46) "I'm OK, thank you. just please, stop talking to me"
47) "Could i sit here? all the other tables are full"
48) "Do you need me to kill someone for you?"
49) "I have something to tell you... (pregnancy)"
50) "I think I'm pregnant"
51) "Sorry! i didn't mean to touch your butt"
52) "When were you going to tell me?
53) "What, does that feel good?"
54) "Are you wearing my shirt?"
55) "You're so cute when you're half asleep like this"
61) "Fuck, don't do that to me"
62) "He did what?!"
63) "Wait, you've never done this before?"
64) "You know that i love you, right?"
65) "Don't touch me"
67) "Wow, you're hot"
68) "Don't give me that face"
69) "Are you sure about this?"
70) "I don't think you're doing it right?"
71) "I couldn't care less, I'm with you, that's what really matters"
75) "Your hair is so soft"
76) "You're so cute when you pout"
77) "Just relax I'll wash your hair for you"
79) "Let go of me!"
80) "You're beautiful, you know that?"
81) "Can you come with me? i'm scared"
82) "Leave"
84) "I'm not ok"
85) "You are as intimidating as a puppy, my dear"
91) "Don't cry. just don't fucking cry"
92) "I'm sorry for being awkward, i just really like you"
93) "I hate you for making my life a living hell"
94) "I don't care anymore"
95) "I just love looking at you"
96) "I'm just not strong enough"
97) "I'm not really into that kinda stuff"
98) "You frustrate me"
99) "It's okay to not be okay"
100) "It feels strange"
101) "What did you just call me?"
103) "Say what you want, I'll stay"
104) "Let go of him/her!"
105) "What would your mother say?"
106) "Come here. right now."
107) "You're still my favorite"
108) "It's the thought that counts"
109) "Need help?"
111) "She hates me, doesn't she?"
112) "God, i miss/ed you"
124) "I'm sorry, next time I'll be more careful"
115) "I know i fucked up"
116) "Do you even realize how much stuff like this hurts me?"
117) "What a sight in the morning"
118) "Push me away all you want, I'll always come back"
119) "What are you staring at?"

Red Vs Blue One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora