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Ben's POV

Well Denis doesn't want to talk to me anymore, I guessed I fucked up when I let go off his hand but I had to, to actually save my reputation at least a little. When I talked to Denis in last nights party everybody was looking at me weird and gave me gross looks.

James even asked what was wrong with me and if I planned to hurt the boy or something to which I lied by saying I wasn't capable of doing such thing and that I just felt sorry for him.

His sister is well,going to be a huge problem as well as this friend of his Kellin they are way to smart to fall for any type of bullshit. I'm really doubting why I accepted this bet in the first place, it's gonna be so fucking hard to get him to fall in love with me or even talk to me again.

"Danny I don't think this is working" I said as we made our way to our classroom or at least me he would maybe go behind the school and do whatever he does. He looked at me with a serious expression.

"It's gonna work because I say so, keep trying" He said harshly making me groan and go to my classroom which I didn't share with Denis so I could think of how to make him talk to me.


At lunch time Danny told me to sit over at Kellin's table so I did and it was so awkward they looked at me to see if I was crazy mostly Denis though cause Kellin just smiled but then frowned.

"What are you doing here?" Kellin asked and I motioned for him to follow me behind the cafeteria door "Look I need your help I-I like Denis I've liked him since...well since he appeared" I said trying to sound as genuine as possible this is a great idea you know? I have to get on his best friends side make him trust me and move up to his family members such as Sirens and his mum and finally him.

"I fucking knew it okay uh...don't worry I'll help you just have patience Denis is a stubborn piece of shit" He said and I grinned, great Kellin is down that wasn't hard at all. We made our way back to the table were Denis was playing with his food.

"Okay uh sorry about that Den" Kellin said and Denis nodded and sighed "Are you okay?" I asked and Kellin shot daggers at me guessed he didn't like when I asked that?.

"It's none of your business if I'm alright or not" He said harshly taking me by surprise what got into him? If I weren't doing this he would be fucking dead right now nobody talks to me like that.

"Sorry for caring Denis" I said and stood up going somewhere else,damn those drama classes surely did worked for something, I saw his eyes looking like he regretted telling me that and making me feel "bad".

I have Kellin down now Sirens

Denis's POV

I felt bad about how harsh my response came out  but I had to be harsh on him because I really didn't want him talking or even look at me. It's gonna be hard and now Kellin's been lecturing me all day about how sarcastic and mean I was, I did care but I wasn't going to apologize for my behavior.

"Listen Kellin I get it you're my best friend but I don't get involved  with him okay?" I asked and he sighed but nodded.

"Why not  he seems like a really cool guy"

"Exactly you said it he's cool and we are well....we are the misfits" I said and dialed Sirens's number to see where she was while Kellin chewed on his gum rather loudly.

"Ugh....okay okay I understand I'm not gonna question you anymore"

"Good thank you, I was getting tired of hearing his name" I said in all honesty making him chuckle. I asked sirens were she was over the phone and we made our way to the parking lot.

And there he was again, fuck him! Why is he so...I don't know why is he following me? I groaned and grabbed Sirens's hand making him look at me smiling. Why is he smiling?

I didn't say nothing but he waved at us and the only one who responded back was Kellin, we began walking and Sirens thanked me for an unknown reason.

"Thank you I didn't want to be hearing his bullshit" She said making me laugh and Kellin groaned "You had to be related didn't you?" The answer was yes Sirens was like the girl version of me.

"Yep" She said popping the 'p' and smiled at me adorably

"Why do you guys hate him?" Kellin asked and we both looked at him with the same expression "we don't hate him....well maybe a little" Sirens said making me nod in agreement and Kellin laughed.

"You guys are unbelievable" he laughed and then said goodbye to us leaving to his house while we continued walking.

"You know I love you right?" Sirens said all of the sudden and I nodded of course I did I loved her too a lot "Yeah I love you too, you're the best little sister I could ask for" I said and hugged her just to continue walking.

"Last one home is Ben Bruce" She quelled making me laugh and we both took off running home, she made it last and pouted. "Oww I don't wanna be a dick" I choked on air and giggled uncontrollably.

"Hey kids how was school?" Mum said and placed the drinks and plates on the table while me and Sirens threw our backpacks and took off our shoes.

"Great!" Sirens said and smiled sitting in front of me "Great and yours Denis?" I thought for a moment apart from Ben well it went great.

"Apart from stupid kids great"

"What stupid kids?"

"Well who aren't stupid kids" Sirens laughed as well as me and mum, I high fived her and continued eating. "You guys are unbelievable I can't believe you are my kids" She said and I laughed.

I don't hate Ben but I want him to get away from me.

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