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Ben's POV

It's late at night and I don't really know what the fuck I'm doing, I decided to come over to James and Sam's place, we started drinking and me being me I got so fucking drunk I couldn't remember shit.

I woke up on the floor next to the sofa where I probably fell asleep. I proceeded to stand up with a huge headache almost making me fall, walking to the kitchen I heard my phone ring causing me to let out a groan due to the loud sound.

I got over to it and answered not bothering to see who it was all I wanted was to get rid of this headache.

"Ben where the fuck are you?" Denis exclaimed making me let out a sigh, now he cares?

"Why do you care?" I spat rather harshly, he let out a little whimper but I didn't seemed faced by it. Denis was being an ass honestly.

"I'm your boyfriend...and...and I love you" As I heard him say that I almost dropped my phone due to the shocked state I was in. This couldn't be fucking happening, god dammit no!

There was a huge moment of silence between us because I couldn't process his words. Why did I have to accept this? Why ? Just why am I hurting him so much?

"I...I Den" I gulped before continuing my forced sentence "I love you too" I said and let out a sigh, in some cases it's better to lie than to hurt him even more.


"Yes love?"

"I'm sorry" Denis let out a sob making my heart hurt, I don't know what he was sorry for though.

"No no don't cry" I said calmly but it didn't seem to do anything because I could still hear his faint crying from the other line.

"It's okay love...you don't have to be sorry about anything"

"B-but I do"

"Nope now I don't care what time it is I'll be over in 5" That was the last thing I said before I hung up and left James's place.

I didn't care about my headache I only cared for him, I didn't want him to cry nor did I want him to get hurt by anything. He's just to vulnerable and I need to take care of him.

The walk to his house wasn't long and I was glad one because I wanted to get to him as fast as I could and two because it's freezing outside.

I came to a stop when I saw his house, I checked the time and saw that it was pretty fucking late only a few cars were passing now.

I made my way around the house and searched for Denis's room how cliche. I found him sitting by the window looking at the stars and possibly crying.

I started climbing the windows in order to get to him, I was about to fall many times and oh boy did I hit myself a billion times.

It seemed like an eternity when I finally got there, my boyfriend gave me a huge smile and opened the window for me granting me access.

I took a look at his face seeing that he had been crying since his eyes were so glossy and tiny drops were still on his cheeks. I wasted no time and embraced him in a warm hug.

"Benny" Denis sobbed and hid his face in the crook of my neck, I didn't say anything instead I picked him up by his slim legs and laid on the bed with him.

"Shh...don't say anything just try to get some rest baby" He shook his head and sat up.

"I can't" Denis whispered making me frown, I didn't want to see him like this it was breaking my heart. I wanted to see his usually bubbly self.

"Babe believe me when I tell you that you are the most beautiful and kind boy I've ever met, there's no need for you to be insecure" He sniffed and cuddled closer to me.

"I don't feel enough" Denis mumbled making me roll my eyes, why couldnt he see the way he really is.

"I like everything about you love, you are more than enough I'm lucky to call you my boyfriend cause I'm not a great person"

"You are" He exclaimed

"See babe? That's the way I see you Noe go to sleep sweetheart"

"Will you stay here please?"

"Yes love" I said and he got comfortable closing his eyelids. It must've been a hard day for him since he fell asleep instantly.

"Goddammit what the fuck are you doing to me Denny?" I kissed his forehead slightly and caressed his face.

He was so beautiful it was just amazing, I couldn't believe that Denis was such an insecure person.

I know that I should walk away but I can't bring myself to quit this game...

Yay! I finally updated I'm sorry :'(
But I'll be updating my stories constantly now since I have so much inspiration for both.

I know this chapter is kinda short but its just a little filler I promise to make the other one longer.

Have a great day <3

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