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Denis's POV

Monday flew around quickly and I was really fucking tired but on the bright side I got to see Ben and Kellin. As with Sirens,well she's been acting all sad and strange, she doesn't even give me a second glance and has stopped talking to me,it honestly scared me and I was worried for her.

"I'm leaving bye!" She said numbly and shut the door or more like slammed the door,my mum looked over at me and I shrugged giving her a kiss and running over to Sirens.

I thankfully caught up to her and tried holding her hand but she pushed me away and looked at me with tears in her eyes making me feel guilty "Fuck off!" She said and left running leaving me there standing like a complete idiot, what's wrong with her?

Anyways I made my way over to Kellin's as usual and we talked about how our weekend was and what not. "So were is Sirens?" He asked and I shrugged running a hand trough my messy hair.

"I dunno what's wrong with her, she's not talking to me like at all" I looked down sadly, I missed her so fucking much, I missed hearing her funny yet corny jokes making me choke out of laugher.

"It's probably that Ben thing she has going on" He said making me stare at him wide eyed

"She told you about it?" I asked and he nodded "Yeah she did but it's not like I believed her"

He had a point I didn't believe her either, I just think that she's jealous that Ben and I are hanging out all the time and I'm letting her slip away.

"I think she's jealous" I said in all honesty and he nodded before saying goodbye as I made my way to my locker and grabbed the books I needed.

"Move move! New meet coming trough!" I heard someone say making me laugh at the mean girls reference.

"Hey I was searching for you" I turned around and saw James and Sirens there oh and Sam of course.

I looked at them confused and probably was expecting the worst which is that he's dating Sirens but no I was wrong it was worse than that.

"You are nothing but a fucking bet to Ben, listen to your sister mate, she's really smart and knows what she's saying" He said making me laugh at them, was she really that jealous to go around and tell James? I guess so.

"See I told you he's a stubborn piece of shit" She said and walked away making Sam follow her.

"Why the fuck would I believe you?" I asked and he frowned.

"Listen here mate that girl is your fucking sister and I or anyone else would give everything to have one like her, she knows what she's saying and plus why would Ben's ex BFF lie to you? If you don't wanna believe me here, listen to this shit" He spoke and I felt as if every word that left his mouth was dripping anger. He gave me a USB and left.

I looked at the device in my hands and wonder if maybe they weren't lying, speaking of the devil Ben came in and hugged me from behind.

"Good morning sunshine" he said and kissed my cheek making me giggle as his arms were holding my waist tightly.

"It's not really a good morning" I said and he chuckled moving towards one of the lockers and pulling me in for a kiss.

I wanted to convince myself that James and Sirens were right and that I was wrong but I couldn't, there's something about Ben that made me not want to be without him.

"And why not?" He asked and I sighed pointing over to Sirens who was currently sitting on a bench with Sam while James was hugging her tightly and saying something I couldn't make out.

"What's wrong with her love?" He kissed my cheek and hugged swinging us side to side "I don't know, she's been telling me a lot of things about you and stuff like that"

"And do you believe her?" He asked making me sigh and look at him, I was fucking confused in all honesty I wanted to believe my sister but at the same time I didn't

"N-no" I said hesitantly not really sure of my answer until I saw his eyes show some kind of relief at my answer.

"Good because I honestly wouldn't know what to do without you" He caressed
my cheek making me flush a bright pink colour I wasn't and I don't think I'll ever be used to this.

"Neither would I " I said and kissed him softly.


Ben's POV

This is really getting out of hand and I'm starting to feel guilty. His sister hates him because of me and I swear to god if you would've seen them before I came in, you would be awwing at them.

They were the cutest siblings ever from holding hands to playing games and saying stupid shit. Until....I came in with my stupid fucking bet

I don't feel anything for Denis but I was starting to get used to him kissing me, climbing my lap, hugging me, telling me secrets, holding my hand and all that couple shit.

I wanted to stop already, it's making me feel really bad to the point of sometimes having a mental breakdown when I think of Denis crying.

What if he ends up being depressed and killing himself because of me? What if he has depression? Oh my god!

"Danny I think we need to stop" I said through the phone making him laugh.

"You do that I'll say what nobody knows about you Benjamin, there's no going back" He said and hung up making me think of what he was talking about

Until it clicked okay nobody could know this, I guess I have to ruin another's life to save mine.

I hate myself...

All I got to say is I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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