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Sirens's POV

Well fuck him! His a sick motherfucker for playing with Denis's feelings, I already know how this is gonna end. Denis will be heartbroken and probably depressed he has too much to handle and yet this dude comes along and wants to ruin him even more.

"Stop Kellin, I didn't need anything" I said making him stop abruptly and he looked at me confused, I need to convince him to help me out but knowing him he won't believe shit.

"Then why did you tell Denis that?" Okay here we go, maybe he will not be a stubborn piece of shit for once in his life.

"Look, Ben....Ben is playing around he doesn't like Denis he's just doing it for money" I said and he shook his head and laughed making me groan in annoyance, Kellin why are you like this?

"How'd you know that?"

"I-I heard him talking with Danny about how I was a fucking smart ass and how Denis is so fucking stubborn that it won't work, he asked if the bet could end now but Danny said no and well....he's making Denis fall in love with him" I said and Kellin looked at me with disbelief and then he rolled his eyes.

"I don't believe you" He said sincerely making me fucking angry. How the fuck would he trust someone who he just met over me who he met when I was a fucking baby?

"You...you need to believe me" He shook his head and continued walking this time over to my house of course.

"When he's fucking crying I won't pick up the broken pieces!" I yelled and ran away from him who started running as well following me, I knew I would lose him in no time since Kellin was so slow.

While I was running I heard someone calling out my name so I came to a stop and saw James? I believe his name is James I don't really know I don't get along with the Juniors or shit anyone in that matter.

"You're Denis sister right?" He asked making me come to a stop and give him a quick nod while I catches my breath.

"Well I need you to listen to me okay?"

"Yeah go ahead" I said and he looked around probably making sure nobody was close. I was sure Kellin wouldn't be here any minute he's way to fucking slow in anything that involves exercise.

"Ben...Ben's playing with Denis, it's just a bet Danny told him to do in order to earn 600 bucks , he has to make him fall in love in about 6 months and then tell him that it was all a game" I already knew all of that but he just confirmed it and all I knew about him was that he was Ben's best friend.

"I know that but he won't believe and I don't want him to get hurt by that fucker" I said and he paused for a moment and the continued

"I know how, I'll find a way to make Ben talk font worry" Great fucking idea, I nodded and he told me his phone number so we could talk about it without anyone knowing.

"Please let it be as quick as possible" I said and he promised to go probably today or tomorrow morning. We said our goodbyes and I left, bumping into Kellin who was fucking sweating like a pig.

"Oh my god I was searching for you!" He screamed and I ignored him walking away making him stand there like the idiot that he is.

"Great, want me to throw a party?" I said sarcastically and continued walking into my house except this time he didn't follow

"Hey sweetie ho-"

"Where's Denis?" I cut her off and she motioned over to his room looking at me confused. I didn't even bother to answer her or anything I just went into Denis's room, he was lying on the floor doing his homework or drawing ,I shut the door behind me which made him look at me.

"Hey Rens did you get what you needed?" He asked and I nodded quickly sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Stay away from Ben" I said calmly and he frowned standing up "No! Why would I do that?" He asked making me groan once again and he just stood there looking at me angrily.

"You're  a bet, he sees you as nothing, he never liked you" I said as calmly as possible but he frowned and looked over at me  yep Love's blind and fucking deaf.

"You're probably jealous because I'm not spending a lot of time with you anymore!" He yelled making me flinch at his words, I was not jealous of Ben what am I going to be jealous of? The fact that he's a bitch? Or a sick fucker? Well sorry for not being that way brother!

"Y-you know what, fuck you Denis fuck you! Just don't come crying to me when that fucker breaks your fucking heart! Im not jealous!" I screamed and saw him turn red, he threw a pillow at me and I dodged it sticking my tongue out at him yeah I'm so mature I know.

"Ugh...just leave fucking leave!" He screamed and I did slamming the door to his bedroom while my mum looked at me with a disappointing look "He won you over too? damn he's such a sick little fuck" I said and she immediately started screaming my name to which I ignored her and slammed the door to my bedroom.

Tears prickling down my face, I was so frustrated how could they believe him more than me?  I was not jealous of Ben instead I was pissed at him for doing this to my brother, of all people why'd he have to chose my brother.

James: Sirens I think I have it xxx

Sirens:Great what is it? Xxx

James:Well I was thinking about me telling him xxx

Sirens:That would be a bad idea he's mad at me and doesn't believe shit! Xxx

James: Well sorry for that, I'll tell him on Monday I'll make him believe me xxx

Sirens: Yeah okay bye Xxx

Great now let's see how he comes begging me to forgive him, which I will but he's a bitch for not believing his sister and instead believing a boy he met a while ago.

I swear to god Benjamin you're gonna pay, I'm gonna give you a taste of your own fucking medicine bitch !

If you're reading this I want to fucking thank you for reading my shitty fic XD
Honestly thank you, either way I hope you liked the chapter

The Bet :: BrustoffWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt