chapter 5: part 2

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(after the movie)

josh's POV (yes again )

when the movie was done we went to park and sat on a hill together 

"so aqua what is it like in new york?" i questioned

"eh it not really that good theres alot of robers and stuff" she sighed and looked down at her shoes

" you ok" i asked grabing her hand

"yea im fine" she sighed and moved her hand away from mine

"are you sure" i  said in a worried tone

"no im not fine" 

wow she broke easly

"whats wrong" i asked looking into her eyes i noticed they were a dark brown like mine i guess they change color based on what shes wearing

"i have been suffering from anxitey and depression ever sence i was a kid"

"did you ever take a medication? i mumbled randomly

"no i just kept it away from my parents all i had by my side was my friends mark and max" she looked back down at the grass

"what makes you happy?" 

"music, playing the drums and well you" she smiled and blushed a little

i smiled and tried to not blush and i grabed her hand. she tightened her grip a little.i took out my phone and it said 11:00 

"aqua its getting late your mom might get worried"

"she does not really care i can just text her im hanging out with a friend" she smiled

"ok cool"

we got up and got into my car and we sat there for a while. she was on her phone texting her mom

i desided to break the silence "so wanna go to my house or..."

"sure" she looked up from her phone and smiled at me.

i started up my car and started driving there, she looked out the other window and looked at the night sky (skip in time :D)

when we got to the house i took out my keys and unlocked the doir and opened it we both walked in and i set my kets down on the kitchen counter.

"sorry if its a mess i was not expecting company" i tried to smile but it was like a half smile

"no its fine my room is messy manly cause i do alot of crafts and play the drums alot" she laughed


we both sat down on the couch and she leaned onto my shoulder i smiled and put my arm around her and a second after that we heard a knock on the door we both looked over at the door. i got up and unlocked the door and open it it was sasha


DUN DUN DUUN and omg josh is so cute in that pic ^.^

find out who sasha is in the next chapter btw sorry if this was short 

thx for reading :)

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