chapter 10

14 1 2

aqua's POV

i got up from the bed and got my phone and earbuds out from my suitcase and pluged in my earbuds and looked through my playlist with my fav songs


.holding on to you

.your so creepy 

i looked at josh to see if he was alseep and i put on your so creepy 

"creepy girls your just my style blood red lipstick you dont smile..." i sang quitly 

"you sing good" josh said beside me scaring the crap out of me 

"josh i um" i blushed deepy looking away. he giggled a little. I got up and saw in the mirror my nose piercing was crooked so i fixed it and walked to the bathroom to change into a black tank and black skinny ripped jeans

"you look hot" josh mumbled and just looked at me when i got out

"what?" i said looking at him and throwing my clothes in my suitcase

"nothing" he tried faking a smile but i saw it in his eyes.i sorta blushed and then picked up my phone and fell back next to him. he looked at me and i looked back we both smiled

he grabed his computer and went an youtube and layed on his stomach. i layed ontop of the left side of him watching videos of him self and tyler 

"wow you're good at the drums maybe you can teach me" i smiled looking at him he looked back and nodded. he played the guns for hands music video i noticed that his hair cut was diffrent 

"josh that was your haircut back then?" i  held my laugh trying to not make him feel bad

"yea i know its bad" he said scratching his head nervously and biting his lip.i kissed his cheek making him stop biting his lip.

i got up off his left side and went to get a water and when i started walking back and ran into josh in the hallway again

"hey josh" i blushed

"hey i just noticed me and tyler have our show in 3 days and i just wanna ask if you wanna come" he asked while scratching the back of his neck 

"sure" i smiled and kissed him on the lips. he froze and smiled when i push myself away i walked back to my room and put on my shoes.

"where are ya going" he asked  walking back with a water

"i dont know just going for a walk" i said tieing my last shoe

"do you mind if i come" he asked putting his water down 

"no" i said getting up grabbing my hoodie and phone

"its 70 degress why a hoddie?" he asked putting on his shoes

"i dont know i just like wearing hoddies" i said tieing it on my waist

"ok well dont black out when you  over heated" he smiled standing up grabing his phone putting it in his pocket. i nodded and walked out while he followed behind.

when we walking out i looked at my phone while we walk on the sidwalk josh looked at me making sure i dont fall flat on my face but im pretty sure im fine but i was not. i hit the front of my shoe on something and fell but i catched my fall and landed on both on my hands and knees.

"oh my gosh are you ok?" josh ran to me and helping me up when he let go he looked down on his hands there were blood marks from my hands

"heh whoops just being the clumzy me" i picked up my phone and my hands stung like crap so i put my phone in my pocket i looked at my jagged hands and whipped the blood on my pants luckly they were black.

me josh started heading to the forest it was one of my fav places to go and i lived in the city of new york so there were no forest around they aways seemed so calming from the pictures i looked at. when we got to a river we sat down next to it and watch people walk by.

"so aqua..." josh said while i poured some of the water i brought on my hands and knees washing away the blood. i looked at him and smiled while leaning back on a tree the sound of birds chirping and the water rushing just calmed me down

"so josh..." i smiled looking back at him putting my head on my hand, he smiled i could tell he did not know what to say.

i cupped my hand over his cheek he started blushing and he started to lean in but a couple of fans interuppted us

"omg omg its the josh dun" both of them yelled and jumping up.

i quickly put my hand back down and leaned back on the tree "damn it fangirls" i thought and looked at the ground.

"hey" josh put on a smile pn his face and looking at the two girls

they both looked at me i saw the anger in there eyes "who is this?" 

"um my friend" josh lied choking as the words came out his mouth.

"ok nice meeting you josh, we're your number one fan" they both smiled and started walking into the forest.

i sighed and look down.

"hey aqua you ok" he said puting his hand under my chin and raising my head.

"yea" i sighed.

he leaned in and before i knew it we were kissing he leaned back pushing himself away and getting his phone out to look at the time.

"its getting late we should be heading home" he put his hand out and i grabed his hand and pushed me up i almost tumbled over a root of the tree.

"ok" i said while getting my balnce.

we both started  home. he sighed i think he knew that i would be heading home for school when summers over.i stoped us by the front door of his house.

"why are you stoping" he asked letting go of my hand and getting his keys out

"josh can i tell you something" i grabed his arm with the keys and turned him to me 

"josh i been having so much fun this summer and theres only 3 more weeks of summer left and well i have to finish up my last year of school so i would be flying gome back to new york" i sighed looking to the ground and my eyes started to water up. he put my head back up and kissed me on the lips

"aqua i know but will you come back?" i looked at him his eyes sparkled in the moonlight he held me close. i nodded and he let go unlocking the door and walking in i followed behind him.

i fell on his bed not even bothering to change. he walked out of the bothroom with his basketball shorts on and no shirt he was still dripping wet i blushed and hid it in his pillow. he ploped down beside me, our shoulders were touching making my shoulder wet.

"josh dry yourself off more" i mummbled through the pillow.

he just laughed and passed out. i looked at him sleep peacefully i smiled and desided to go to sleep


1,215 words DAMmmN XD

thx for reading


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