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"Why She Never Sleeps"

He read to her at night

about fairytales and fantasy,

because he knew she had trouble sleeping.

He would hear her wake and turn on

the light, and made her coffee

in her favourite mug.

He held her as she was weeping,

understanding that all she needed

were his hugs.

He held her hand

walking down the street,

because he knew, for her,

these things were hard.

He wore socks to bed, even though

he hated the feeling, because he knew

she hated feet.

He got wrapped up in her world

of fairytales and fantasy,

and seen things that had once only existed in dreams.

He got wrapped up in her world

of fairytales and fantasy

and finally understood why she hardly

ever sleeps.

He said

"They're isn't a real need for sleep

because she brings my dreams to life."

Before I Die;Where stories live. Discover now