Married - Chapter 23

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Alicia: Is anyone and alive?

Amanda: alive and running

Ryan: Having a death smoothie atm

Amanda: Errr

Alicia: What's a death smoothie?

Ryan: Next conversation?

Alicia: good idea!

Alicia: !!

Justin: stop texting

Alicia: get out of bed

Alicia: lazy

Justin: I'm not lazy

Alicia: then what are you?

Justin: im Justin, i wake late every morning

Justin: remember that for when we're married

Jusin: 😏

Alicia: Boy......

Alicia: keep dreaming son

Justin: 😩

Justin: I will, I will.

Alicia: I thought you were sleeping?

Justin: sleeping can wait, you have my full attention.

Alicia: noted

Justin: keep it that way

Alicia: always m8

Justin: g8

Ryan: guys

Amanda: whut

Ryan: I cooked

Justin: don't eat it

Alicia: we need you alive and running

Alicia: plus you get me followers on ig so I need you

Justin: you fail to get followers?

Justin: loser

Alicia: hey!

Alicia: it's too much work

Justin: and you call me lazy

Alicia: because you r

Justin: smh

Justin: I'm definitely not lazy

Alicia: you have no proof m8

Justin: I'll find proof, and give it to you.

Alicia: when?

Justin: soon...

Alicia: that doesn't sound too promising

Justin: just soon.....

Ryan: 7 billion years later

Justin: 😕

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