Epilogue - Part 1

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One thing I hated was when driving is when people talk when music is playing. It was so annoying. Like why not respect the music then when you're out of the car talk all the heck you want, right? And of all persons to understand, Amanda and Rachel was doing that, this exact moment. It has been four months since me and Justin decided to meet up after all the chaos with Selena and the blocking and all business. Apparently, he had enough of the 'FaceTime' and the 'iMessage'. So instead of me going alone, I dragged Rachel who is in the back, James who is sleeping peacefully beside Rachel with his head in her lap and Amanda who's driving since Adam decided to crash my car yesterday.

He deserved the broken leg he got. The booger crashed his car and decided it would be nice to get drunk and crash my car the night before I have to meet Justin, wonderful right? He got a lecture from Mom as soon as the Doctor gave an A-okay for us to see him and Dad shot him a disappointed look which made Adam huff and roll his eyes. Sometimes I wonder if he's actually five, instead of twenty two. Me? I cackled, yes cackled at him then gave him a nice bruise on his left leg.

We're currently in Miami and driving to the hotel that I booked for us, James, Rachel, me and Amanda, to sleep in for the week. Since Christmas had already passed and gone and Justin doesn't live anywhere close, I decided to just get him a present from now. I didn't know what he wanted, so I bought him a Rolex watch that I had seen sometime ago that Adam wanted, so I was like why not?

"Get out and get your shit away from my vehicle before I remove you all from it." Amanda said dryly as soon as she pulled up in the hotel's parking lot. Rachel squealed when she realized that we were in fact here, or she just likes road trips. It was either one but I'm going with the latter. She shoved her face in Amanda's shoulder making James roll onto the floor roughly, considering his head was in her lap and when the car stopped, his body rolled to the edge of the seat. And knowing James, he's probably lighter than us all.

He's not on the Football team, he's not on the Tennis team, he's not on the Swim team, he was once on the Rugby team but never have I ever seen him working out or exercising in my years of being his best friend. I sometimes consider him a girl by the way how he knows so much about Kim Kardashian and The Housewives all together.

He groaned into the carpet, indicating that he's not dead, it was either that or we needed to take him to the closest hospital as possible. I'm going to go with the latter.

It turns out we actually had to take James to the hospital. When he had gotten up - well more like Rachel pulling him up, the side of his head was bleeding and I couldn't help but beg for him to get to the nearest hospital. He got a concussion. Sadly, two hours was reducted from my time before i could meet Justin so I had an hour to get dressed to meet at the hotel's restaurant.

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