Council - Chapter 33

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Ryan: y'all really need some counseling

Alicia: to whom are you speaking to?

Ryan: I'm sure this isn't a group chat

Ryan: you aren't talking in the group anymore and Justin keeps using my phone to "check up" on you

Alicia: that's not creepy at all

Ryan: so why'd you block him?

Alicia: he was rude

Ryan: when did this all happen?

Alicia: like three weeks ago

Ryan: dear Jesus

Alicia: 🙄

Alicia: not a big deal

Ryan: big deal, yes

Alicia: whatever

Ryan: y'all are like second best friends

Ryan: you know with me being first and all

Alicia: oh please, Justin talks to me more

Ryan: you're just clingy

Alicia: 😱

Alicia: clingy? Me?

Alicia: is there anybody else here?

Ryan: why?

Alicia: because I sure as hell know you're not talking to me.

Ryan: unless I accidentally add everyone in my contact list then yeah

Alicia: go check?

Ryan: why don't you?

Alicia: that's too much work

Ryan: and they call me Justin

Ryan: anywho back to the drama

Alicia: 😑

Ryan: come on tell me the things

Alicia: I'm going to call Amanda, you know my best friend

Ryan: 😂 girl sit yo ah down

Alicia: 😞 why you gotta be so mean?

Ryan: because I'm Ryan

Alicia: Ryans aren't mean

Ryan: oh honey I'm special

Alicia: do you really want to know what happened with me and Jay?

Ryan: I wouldn't text you if I didn't want to know

Alicia: his "girlfriend" texted me

Alicia: so I blocked him

Ryan: who Selena?

Alicia: naw

Ryan: oh Sofia

Alicia: mhm

Alicia: I was about to start roasting her but I remembered I went to church the night before

Ryan: you can't roast for shit Alicia

Alicia: of course I can

Alicia: have you seen my snapchat?

Ryan: you don't post anything

Alicia: excuse me

Alicia: my snap chat is like roast world

Ryan: right..

Ryan: full of smoke and nothingness

Alicia: smh

Alicia: I'm convinced you don't like me

Ryan: you are four five seconds late

Alicia: you're going to be the second person on block list


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