Call Me On My Cellphone - Chapter 28

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Justin's P.O.V

Since the talk with Ryan, I have been doing nothing but thinking. Even though I've known Alicia for a weeks, she still doesn't know my identity. I could tell she was smart and could easily figure things out with the blink of an eye. She wasn't an easy girl but enough about her right now. I have a girlfriend not answering my calls.

I'm sure you'd know who my girlfriend is by now, if you haven't, get your head in the game. See what I did there?

"You have reached the mail box of.." Groaning, I pulled on a shirt and slipped through the front door.


Alicia's POV

"I can't remember the last time I went to the beach." Kendall tells us. With this being the first time I met her, I can tell she's real and takes no BS from anybody. "I look pale as h-" Selena slammed her hands down on the table making my black forest cake fall into my lap. She looks down at my lap and says, "I'll buy you another one." Before answering her phone. Everyone stayed silent as their attention turned to Selena. I pout.

"I love you but, why are you calling me?"

"I'm hanging with Ken at the moment, what's up?"

"You saw me yesterday." She has this look of content on her face like she's thinking of what happened. I'm guessing.

She sighs.

"Bye Justin."

By the time she hanged up, everyone was laughing their butt's off. Me on the other hand was thinking of some pasta right now. I rubbed my belly. "Let's go to the beach then get something to eat after." No no, how about we eat now, go to the beach then eat again? Sounds good to me. Deal? Amanda glared at me, daring me to say something making me smile sheepishly. I pursed my lips. She knows too much about me, should I call the cops? 


We ended up going to the beach without getting food first which I unfortunately I had live with. Six against two fatties wouldn't be fair right? Somehow it is in this situation.

Who are the two fatties you ask? The cutest out of all the group, the most amazing out of them all being me, Alicia, and James being the only guy here right now.

Am got a dark green bathing suit, Sel got dark blue, Ken got black, Rach got purple, Hail got white while I sported a black one. It looked good with my red lipstick so I thought why not. I ran a hand through my hair and walked in step with Amanda.

She shoots me a weird look, she as in Amanda, making me think of Looney Tunes Cartoons. Unintentionally of course. "I honestly don't know how Selena trusts you with Justin. I mean look at you," I pinch her arm. I may not be able to take care of a dog because of very personal reasons but I know, I just know that I am trustworthy.

I shrug, flipping my hair over my shoulder. "I'm just really trustworthy, unlike some people." Amanda suddenly starts barking out laughter, from my sentence, I'm guessing. Again.

"She trusts you? You only fed your dog once, played with him three times, bathed him once when he was only a month old and you never walked him." Psssh, forgetting I had a dog isn't bad. Adam walks him, feeds him and everything else.

Again, I shrug. "I'm a cat person." Again, too much agains, she barks out- nevermind, she snorted this time. I had a cat, once.

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