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I do not own any of Mr. Poalini's creations, only my own.


Eragon looked over at the farith of his beloved, Arya, in the grand castle that he had built in the foreign land where he and his fellow elves had made the new riders' homes.

'Little one, shall I train the younglings today?' Saphira asked, sensing his troubling thoughts.

'I'll be fine.' He said, unwilling to tear his eyes away from the woman in the picture. 'I wonder what she is thinking right now?'

'I don't know little one, perhaps you should take action to communicate with her.'

Eragon got up and put his midnight blue tunic with the riders' emblem over his strong, muscled chest, and tugged in his padded black leggings on. He looked in the mirror and saw a seemingly twenty year old man, with dark brown hair sweeping over his catlike eyes, and an angled jaw that were both the outcome of the Great Dragon's display of magic at the Blood-Oath celebration, over ninety years ago.

'Now? After no sign, or word that she even cares? She hasn't even asked of our well-being since we left!'

Still thinking of Arya, Eragon sprinted down the corridor from his quarters and made his way to the training facility that was built for the newer riders. When he got there the two newest riders, Arkea and Bothendar, were already their waiting for him, deep in conversation. When Arkea shifted her stance and saw Eragon, both the elf and the dwarf fell silent, and made the traditional elvish greeting, with two fingers over their mouth.

Their two dragons, Edoc'sil and Carknabragha were training with Saphira in aerial combat I'm the clear blue skies. They had recently progressed to now having straw stuffed dummies on their backs, and in order to move on, needed to keep them there while doing simple evasive maneuvers.

Dragon then turned his attention to the apprenticed riders.

"Today you two will be sparring while being mentally attacked. This will need concentration and discipline to ensure that you do not injure each other, but also do not lose. I myself will place the attack on your minds." He looked at each of their faces to see if they understood, and then continued, "Now take your positions and dull your blades. . . Ready? Now fight."

Arkea quickly cut to Bothendar' right shoulder, but the dwarf lifted his two axes in an "x" position and blocked the blade.

It was at this point the Eragon slowly reached out into both of his students' mind. Arkea's defense was a mental image of an older elf woman that looked like she could be related to the elf apprentice.

Bothendar's mental defense was his clan. They were all joyfully singing and dancing, pounding their feet to the music.

Bothendar ducked under Arkea's sword as it came to his neck and swept the elf girl off her feet by tripping her.

At that moment, Eragon dug into his mental defense, making the dwarf freeze and screw up his face in pain from the invisible attack.

In the few moments it bought her, Arkea got up and prepared to take away the axes from Bothendar. As she was about to take them, Eragon then turn to the elf to attack her mind.

Arkea fell to her knees and held her head.

Eragon then left both of their minds, making them sigh in relief and said, "I think that is enough for today. We shall continue tomorrow."

"Yes Eragon-elda," they said in unison, still panting.



Hey, you guys what's up! This is my first fanfic and I need some support!

Please rate, comment, vote, subscribe, whatever you do here and give me feedback

P.S. Yes I know I'm a horrible person, I shipped Eragon and Arya, but you knew it was coming at some point.

P.P.S. I want Eragon for Christmas

P.P.P.S. My email is

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