Arya POV

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Arya looked around and saw that she was at a campfire site and sitting in a circle with Urgals, but something was strange about these ones. They were much larger than regular Urgals, but not Kull, because they looked like they were resting, which they rarely ever do. Next to her there was what looked like seasoned warrior because of the bands surrounding his biceps.

"Just wait, my little herndal, your ushnark, Nar Knögarg will be sure let you see the egg the elves bring. Do not worry! If you become rider, you will give the tribe much honor and glory!"

So I am the girl! Her father is the chief?

The vision flashed forward to when the elves had come. The elves and her father were fighting over whether the child should see the egg or not.

"What if the dragon inside chooses her!" Her father cried.

"Exactly our point! If the dragon hatches for her, will you be willing to let her go?"

"Anything to give her a better future, for if she stays here she will have to be forced into marriage to the bravest warrior in our tribe! I don't want to do that to her!"

The elves grimaced but said, "Fine, but if it hatches for her we must bring her to the Queen immediately."

The cheif was thrilled. "Come her child. Come to daddy."

Arya toddled over and leapt into the chief's arms.

He whispered to me, "Remember, that I love you, and that your mother did too, so much that she gave her life for your safety remember that... Always"

Together, they entered the tent and saw an ash-colored dragon egg with cloudy swirls glowing around it. Immediately, Arya was attracted to the egg, as if it was already hatched for her. The second she put her hand on it, the egg started cracking and shaking. The dragon was hers! Forever!

She squealed in delight and named her dragon 'greatest joy' in her native language. The memory then ceased.

Arygon (Yes I Have Just Shipped Eragon and Arya)Where stories live. Discover now